

词汇 remit
remit A. transitive verb | BrE rɪˈmɪt, AmE rəˈmɪt | present participle remitting past tense, past participle remitted Law 把…发回重审 bǎ… fāhuí chóngshěn his case was remitted to the Crown Court 他的案件被发回到刑事法院重审 formal (reduce) 减免 jiǎnmiǎn sentence, tax, debt formal (send) 汇寄 huìjì money, paymentB. noun | BrE ˈriːmɪt,rɪˈmɪt, AmE rəˈmɪt,ˈriˌmɪt | 职权范围 zhíquán fànwéi to be within/outside sb's remit; 在某人的职权范围内/外 to exceed one's remit 超出职权范围 the council has a remit to ensure that educational opportunities are available to all 地方议会有权保证人人享有教育机会




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