

词汇 repair
repair | BrE rɪˈpɛː, AmE rəˈpɛr | A. noun uncountable and countable (of furniture, window, pipe, machine, roof) 修理 xiūlǐ ; (of wall, road, building) 整修 zhěngxiū ; (of clothes, carpet, sheet) 缝补 féngbǔ ‘heel repairs while you wait’ “修理鞋后跟,立等可取” a repair to sth; 对某物的修理 to do or carry out repairs (to or on sth) 修理(某物) to undergo repairs 接受修理 my car had to undergo extensive repairs after the accident 车祸后我的车只好进行大修 to take sth in for repair 将某物送去修理 to be (badly) in need of repair (非常)需要维修 to be under repair 正在修理 to be (damaged) beyond repair (损坏得)无法修理 extensive repair work 大修工作 a TV repair shop 电视机修理铺 uncountable formal (condition) 状况 zhuàngkuàng to be in a good/bad state of repair, to be in good/bad repair 状况良好/不佳 that jacket of yours looks in a pretty poor state of repair! 你的那件夹克衫看起来真破! he was generally in a pretty poor state of repair humorous 他总是一副邋遢样儿 to keep sth in good repair 使某物保持状况良好 B. transitive verb (mend) 修理 xiūlǐ furniture, window, pipe, machine, roof; 整修 zhěngxiū wall, road, building; 缝补 féngbǔ clothes, carpet, sheetto have sth repaired; 让人修理某物 it isn’t worth having it repaired 这东西不值得送去修理了 (make good) 修复 xiūfù damagebuilders have been working seven days a week to repair the storm damage 建筑工人一周工作7天来修复暴风雨造成的破坏 figurative (put right) 弥补 míbǔ wrong; 补偿 bǔcháng damage; 补救 bǔjiù relationsit was too late to repair their relationship 要挽回他们的关系已经太迟了 C. intransitive verb formal (go) we repaired to the tranquillity of a quiet cafe 我们去享受咖啡馆的恬静




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