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词汇 stump
stump | BrE stʌmp, AmE stəmp | A. noun (of tree) 树墩 shùdūn up a stump US informal 处于困境 he was up a stump and he knew it 他走投无路了,连他自己也知道 (remaining piece) 残余部分 cányú bùfen a pencil stump 铅笔头 the stump of a cigar 雪茄烟头 the stump of a tooth 残牙 (of limb) 残肢 cánzhī (in cricket) [三柱门的] zhù (mainly US) Politics (campaign) the stump 巡回演说 xúnhuí yǎnshuō to be on the stump 作巡回演说 zuò xúnhuí yǎnshuō the senator gave his standard stump speech 那位参议员作了一次常规的巡回演说 British dated informal (leg) to stir one's stumps 赶快动身 gǎnkuài dòngshēn B. transitive verb informal (baffle) 难住 nánzhù I’m stumped as to how they got here before us 我搞不懂他们怎么会比我们先到 she was stumped for words 她张口结舌 (in cricket) 使…出局 shǐ… chūjú batsman US Politics 在…作巡回演说 zài… zuò xúnhuí yǎnshuō countryC. intransitive verb (stomp) 脚步重重地走 jiǎobù chòngchòng de zǒu to stump off 脚步重重地走开 US Politics 作巡回演说 zuò xúnhuí yǎnshuō to stump for votes 为拉选票进行巡回演说 PHRASAL VERB stump up British informal A. intransitive verb 掏腰包 tāo yāobāo we were asked to stump up for the repairs 人家要我们出修理费 B. transitive verb [stump up sth, stump sth up] 掏腰包付 tāo yāobāo fù money




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