

词汇 responsibility
responsibility | BrE rɪˌspɒnsɪˈbɪlɪti, AmE rəˌspɑnsəˈbɪlədi | noun uncountable (for action, crime, task) 负责 fùzé to take or accept full responsibility for sb/sth 为某人/某事承担全部责任 to claim/disclaim responsibility for sth 声称/否认对某事物负责 a sense of responsibility 责任感 without responsibility on our part 我方概不负责 [商业用语] countable (commitment) 义务 yìwù ; (duty) 职责 zhízé a joint or shared responsibility 连带责任 owners have a responsibility to control their dogs 主人有义务管好自己的狗 the minister assumes his responsibilities at the end of the month 部长在月底就职 to be weighed down by one's responsibilities 被自己的职责压垮




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