

词汇 stamp
stamp | BrE stamp, AmE stæmp | A. noun (for postage) 邮票 yóupiào a 32p stamp 一枚面值32便士的邮票 a first-/second-class stamp 第一类/第二类邮件所贴的邮票 a book or booklet/sheet of stamps 一本/一版邮票 to put or stick a stamp on (sth) (给某物)贴上邮票 to collect stamps 集邮 jíyóu Business (coupon) 赠券 zèngquàn (marking tool) (made of rubber) 橡皮图章 xiàngpí túzhāng ; (made of metal) 钢印 gāngyìn a (die) stamp (for coins) 冲模 (mark) 戳记 chuōjì ; (seal) 印章 yìnzhāng visa stamps 签证章 a document bearing the official stamp 盖有公章的文件 a stamp of approval 许可 to get the parental stamp of approval 得到父母的同意 (beating with foot) 跺脚 duòjiǎo ; (sound) 跺脚声 duòjiǎo shēng with a stamp of one's foot 一跺脚 to give a stamp of anger 气愤地跺一下脚 the stamp of horses' hoofs 马蹄踩踏的声音 (marking) (with rubber stamp) 盖章 gàizhāng ; (with die) 冲压 chòngyā figurative (hallmark) 特征 tèzhēng the stamp of truth 真实性 to bear the stamp of greatness «person» 具有高贵的气质 to set/leave one's stamp on sth 给某事物打上/留下自己的印记 singular (type) 类型 lèixíng women of her stamp 她那样的女人 B. transitive verb (print) (with rubber stamp) 盖上 gàishang mark; (with die) 冲压上 chòngyā shang designthe date of entry is stamped in my passport 我的护照盖上了入境日期 the name is stamped on the box 名字印在了盒子上 the crime has revenge stamped all over it figurative 从各方面看,这一犯罪都是为了复仇 (mark) (with rubber stamp) 在…上盖章 zài… shang gàizhāng document, book; (with die) 在…上压印图案 zài… shang yāyìn tú'àn to be stamped ‘paid’ «invoice» 盖有“付讫”章 (with foot) duò to stamp one's feet 跺脚 duòjiǎo to stamp one's foot in anger 气得直跺脚 to stamp sth flat 把某物踩平 to stamp sth into the ground 把某物踩进土里 usually passive (of mail) 在…上贴邮票 zài… shang tiē yóupiào to be insufficiently stamped «letter» 邮资不足 Technology 冲压 chòngyā to stamp metal discs from or out of a sheet of copper 用一张铜板压制金属圆盘 figurative (imprint) 铭刻 míngkè to stamp one's personality on sth 给…注入自己的个性 project, placeit remains stamped on my memory 这件事一直铭刻在我的记忆中 figurative (identify) 表明 biǎomíng his denial stamped him as a liar 他加以否认表明他在撒谎 his clothes stamp him as a foreigner 他的衣着表明他是个外国人 C. intransitive verb (bring foot down) «person» 跺脚 duòjiǎo ; «horse» 用蹄子跺地 yòng tízi duò dì to stamp on sth; 用力踩某物 figurative 压制 yāzhì rebellionyou stamped on my foot! 你踩到我的脚了! to stamp on the brakes 猛踩刹车 (tread heavily) 重步走 zhòngbù zǒu don't stamp! 走路脚步别那么重! PHRASAL VERBS stamp off A. transitive verb [stamp sth off, stamp off sth] 跺掉 duòdiào mud, dirtto stamp sth off one's shoes 把某物从鞋子上跺掉 B. intransitive verb 重步走开 zhòngbù zǒukāi to stamp off in anger 气冲冲地走开 stamp on transitive verb [stamp on sth] 坚决压制 jiānjué yāzhì stamp out A. transitive verb [stamp sth out, stamp out sth] (beat out) 踩灭 cǎimiè fire, embersfigurative (crush) 镇压 zhènyā rebellion; (wipe out) 消除 xiāochú terrorism, crimeto stamp out tax evasion 打击逃税行为 to stamp out the disease 消灭这种疾病 Technology 冲压 chòngyā to be stamped out from a strip of steel 用钢条冲压而成 B. intransitive verb 重步走出 zhòngbù zǒuchū to stamp out in a huff 气冲冲地走出去




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