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词汇 start
start | BrE stɑːt, AmE stɑrt | A. intransitive verb (begin to happen) 开始 kāishǐ when does the class start? 什么时候上课? have you any idea where the rumour started? 你知不知道谣言是从哪儿传出来的? the custom started in the Middle Ages 这一习俗始于中世纪 (begin doing sth) 开始做 kāishǐ zuò ; (begin saying sth) 开始说 kāishǐ shuō can you start on Monday? 你能星期一开始上班吗? it’s a long story; where shall I start? 说来话长,我该从哪儿说起呢? the best professional musicians start young 顶尖的音乐家都从小就接触音乐 we'll start at the top of page 20 我们从第20页的上端开始读 to start on one's journey 起程 as soon as they'd finished the first bottle, they started on the next 他们刚喝完第一瓶就打开了第二瓶 it's time we got started 我们该动手了 I must get started on my revision in good time 我必须及早开始复习 (do as a first stage) 首先做 shǒuxiān zuò let’s start by reviewing what we did last week 我们先来复习一下上周学的内容 let's start with the case you mentioned 我们先来说说你提到的情况 she started as a secretary but ended up running the department 她起初是一位秘书,但最后掌管了整个部门 I started in marketing 我是从销售干起的 to start as one means to go on 始终如一 (have as a first stage) 开头是 kāitóu shì ; (have as a starting point) 起始 qǐshǐ the day started badly: I overslept! 那天一开始就不顺利,我睡过了头! her name starts with (an) M 她名字的首字母是M this is where the desert starts 沙漠从这里延伸开去 prices start at 50 dollars 价格从50美元起 (leave) 出发 chūfā ; (begin to move) 开始走 kāishǐ zǒu we must start at 6 o'clock 我们必须6点钟动身 to start for/from sth; 起程去某处/从某处出发 I started after her to tell her the news 我起身朝她追去,要把消息告诉她 he started for the door, but I blocked his way 他向门口走去,但我拦住了他 (begin to operate) 启动 qǐdòng the car won't start 这辆车发动不起来 (jump) 突然一惊 tūrán yī jīng the sudden noise made her start 突如其来的声音吓了她一跳 informal (begin to complain) 开始抱怨 kāishǐ bàoyuàn don't start! I told you I'd be late 别抱怨啦!我跟你说过我会迟到的 B. transitive verb (begin to do) 开始做 kāishǐ zuò ; (begin to engage in) 开始从事 kāishǐ cóngshì occupation; (begin to experience) 开始经历 kāishǐ jīnglì ; (begin to attend) 开始上 kāishǐ shang ; (begin to use) 开始用 kāishǐ yòng he's just started a new job 他刚刚开始干上一个新工作 the ship started its voyage at Auckland 船从奥克兰起航 I only started this book yesterday 我昨天才开始看这本书 he started laughing 他大笑起来 it started to rain 下起雨来了 he started life as a teacher before turning to journalism 他一开始当过教师,后来改行从事新闻工作 do you start the day with a good breakfast? 你早晨起来先要好好吃一顿早饭吗? she starts school today 她今天开学 we need to start a new jar of coffee 我们得新开一罐咖啡了 (cause to begin activity) 使动手 shǐ dòngshǒu to start sb in business 帮助某人创业 the news started me thinking 那条消息让我思考起来 I must just get the kids started on their homework 我必须让孩子们动手做作业了 (give signal in race) 给…发起跑信号 gěi… fā qǐpáo xìnhào runners (cause to begin) 使开始 shǐ kāishǐ ; (cause to happen) 使发生 shǐ fāshēng to start a fire/an argument 生火/挑起争论 to start a family 开始生儿育女 to start something informal 惹事 stop fighting, you two! — he started it! 你们俩不要打了!──是他先动的手! (cause to begin operating) 启动 qǐdòng I can’t get the car started 这辆车我发动不起来 C. noun (beginning) 开端 kāiduān tomorrow's the start of a new school year 明天是新学年的第一天 the start of his speech was rather boring 他演讲的开头部分很乏味 the start of something big informal 大事的苗头 that's a good start 那是个不错的开端 the meeting got off to a good start 会议有了一个良好的开端 a perfect start to the holidays 假期的完美开端 at the start, I thought I could trust him 开始时我以为可以信赖他 at the start of the year 在年初 (right) from the start (of sth) 从(某事物)一开始 from start to finish 自始至终 for a start 首先 shǒuxiān (act of beginning sth) 开始 kāishǐ I think you should make a start on your homework now 我想你现在该动手做作业了 to make an early start (on journey) 早早动身 (on work) 早早开始 to make a fresh or new start 开始新的生活 (opportunity for beginning sth) 起始优势 qǐshǐ yōushì to give one's children a good start in life 为孩子们奠定一个良好的人生基础 the job gave him his start in journalism 那份工作使他走上了从事新闻业的道路 (useful initial contribution) 良好开端 liánghǎo kāiduān I've written one page of my essay; it's not much, but it's a start 我的文章写了一页,虽然不多,却是个良好的开端 (beginning of race) 起跑 qǐpǎo the runners lined up at the start 赛跑运动员在起跑线上一字排开 the pistol went for the start of the 100 metres 百米赛跑起跑的发令枪响了 (distance or time advantage) 起跑提前量 qǐpǎo tíqiánliàng they gave me a 10-metre start in the race 他们在赛跑中让了我10米 he had an hour's start on me 他比我先出发1小时 (race, competition) 参加的比赛 cānjiā de bǐsài she has been beaten only once in six starts 她参加了6次比赛,只输了一次 (sudden movement) 突然一动 tūrán yī dòng she woke from the dream with a start 她从梦中惊醒 you gave me quite a start! 你吓了我一大跳! D. to start with adverb phrase (firstly) 首先 shǒuxiān to start with, we haven't enough money 首先我们的钱不够 (at first) 起初 qǐchū she wasn't very keen on the idea to start with 她一开始并不太喜欢这个主意 (at all) 丝毫 sīháo I should never have told her to start with 我根本就不该告诉她 PHRASAL VERBS start back intransitive verb (begin to return) 动身返回 dòngshēn fǎnhuí isn't it time we started back? 我们是不是该回去了? (step back) 突然后退 tūrán hòutuì start in on transitive verb [start in on sb] informal (criticize) 开始批评 kāishǐ pīpíng ; (scold) 开始斥责 kāishǐ chìzé ; (shout at) 开始冲…叫嚷 kāishǐ chòng… jiàorǎng she started in on me for being late 她因为我迟到了而数落我 start off A. intransitive verb (set off) 出发 chūfā the horse started off at a steady trot 这匹马稳步小跑起来 he started off down the path to the village 他沿着小路向村庄走去 to start off on one's journey 踏上旅途 (do as a first stage) 首先做 shǒuxiān zuò let’s start off with some gentle exercises/by introducing ourselves 我们先来做点强度小的运动/进行自我介绍 I started off working quite hard, but it didn’t last 我一开始干得很卖力,但没有坚持多久 she started off as a secretary and ended up a director 她起初是一名秘书,但最后成了主管 (have as a first stage) 一开始是 yī kāishǐ shì the leaves start off green but turn red later 树叶一开始是绿色,但后来会变红 B. [start sb off] transitive verb (cause to begin) 使开始做 shǐ kāishǐ zuò the company started him off as a shipping clerk 公司一开始让他做的是运务员 don't start her off crying 别把她惹哭了 my mother started me off on the piano when I was three 我三岁时母亲就开始让我学钢琴了 what started her off on that crazy idea? 她怎么会有那么古怪的念头呢? informal (make angry) 使生气 shǐ shēngqì ; (cause to laugh) 使发笑 shǐ fāxiào ; (cause to cry) 弄哭 nòngkū (in race) 给…发起跑信号 gěi… fā qǐpáo xìnhào runnersC. [start sth off, start off sth] transitive verb (do first stage of) 首先进行 shǒuxiān jìnxíng we started off our tour with a visit to the palace 游览一开始,我们就先去参观了宫殿 they started off the season by losing their first four matches 赛季刚开始,他们就输了前4场比赛 start on transitive verb [start on sb] informal (criticize) 批评 pīpíng ; (complain about) 抱怨 bàoyuàn don't start on me 别数落我 start on about transitive verb [start on about sb/sth] informal 开始抱怨 kāishǐ bàoyuàn don't start on about him not having a job 不要埋怨他没有工作 start on at: transitive verb [start on at sb] informal 开始责备 kāishǐ zébèi she started on at me again about getting some new clothes 她因为我买了几件新衣服又开始数落我了 start out intransitive verb (begin to do sth) 开始起步 kāishǐ qǐbù he was just starting out in life when the accident happened 他的人生才开始,就出了那起事故 she started out on her legal career in 1997 她在1997年开始从事司法工作 (do sth initially) 最初做 zuìchū zuò he started out as a salesman 他一开始做的是推销员 he started out in TV, but always hoped to move into films 他起初做电视业,但一直希望进入电影业发展 (be initially) 一开始是 yī kāishǐ shì the morning started out so beautifully 早晨刚开始的时候天气很好 what started out as a sideline soon became a major earner for the company 最初的副业很快成了公司利润的主要来源 (intend initially) 起先打算 qǐxiān dǎsuàn I started out to write a short story, but it soon developed into a novel 我本来打算写一部短篇小说,但很快就写成了一部长篇小说 (set off) 出发 chūfā they started out on their 20-mile hike 他们开始了20英里的远足 to start out for the airport 动身去机场 start over intransitive verb 重新开始 chóngxīn kāishǐ she wasn’t happy with our work and made us start over 她对我们干的活儿不满意,让我们返工 start up A. intransitive verb (be set up) «business, organization» 成立 chénglì (set up business) 创业 chuàngyè to start up in business 开始经商 he's started up as a consultant 他开始是做顾问 (begin working) 启动 qǐdòng I heard his car start up 我听见他的车发动了 (begin to be heard) «noise, music» 响起 xiǎngqǐ B. transitive verb [start sth up, start up sth] (found) 创办 chuàngbàn business, organization(cause to begin working) 启动 qǐdòng can you start the car up please? 请你把车发动起来好吗?




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