

词汇 tell
tell | BrE tɛl, AmE tɛl | past tense, past participle told A. transitive verb (make known) jiǎng story, joke, history; 告诉 gàosu fact, news; (say, express in words) shuō truth, lieto tell sb sth, to tell sth to sb; 告诉某人某事 to tell the time, US to tell time 看钟表 she's only six, but she can tell the time 她只有6岁,但是她已经会看时间了 to tell sb about sb/sth; 告诉某人有关某人/某事物的情况 don't tell the world about it! 不要四处张扬这件事! to tell sb a thing or two (about sb/sth) 告诉某人(关于某人/某事物的)一些事 I can't tell you how happy/sad I am 我无法向你形容我有多高兴/伤心 to tell sb (sth) in no uncertain terms 毫不含糊地对某人说(某事) to tell sth in one's own words 用自己的话描述某事物 something tells me he won't be very pleased 我觉得他会不高兴的 she told me of all her hopes and aspirations 她对我讲了她所有的希望与抱负 I'm not going to tell you again (to do it) 我不会跟你再说一遍(去做这件事) to tell sb a secret 告诉某人一个秘密 I or I'll tell you what … informal 我跟你说… I told you (so) informal 我早就跟你说过 you're telling me! informal 你说得一点不错! I tell you, I can tell you, let me tell you informal 我可以肯定地说 to tell sb a pack of lies 对某人说一大堆谎话 tell me another! informal 我才不信呢! more than words can tell 非言语所能表达 I love him more than words can tell 我对他的爱无法用言语形容 to tell it like it is informal 实话实说 (give information) «person, book» 提供 tígōng information; «instructions, map» 说明 shuōmíng way; «gauge, thermometer, signpost» 显示 xiǎnshì amount, rise, fallto tell sb the way (to sth); 给某人指(去某处的)路 his behaviour told me a great deal about his character 他的行为向我充分显示了他的性格 to tell sb what's what 使某人了解底细 (ascertain) 确定 quèdìng ; (deduce) 推断 tuīduàn nobody could tell how he did the trick 谁也不知道他那个戏法是如何变的 who can tell? 谁知道呢? you can never or you never can tell (with sb) (对于某人)谁也说不清 you can tell a lot from the kind of clothes people wear 从人的衣着可以看出很多东西 you couldn't tell much from his expression 从他的表情看不出什么来 (distinguish) 辨别 biànbié difference, person, objectto tell sb/sth from sb/sth; 将某人/某物与某人/某物区分开来 to tell which is which 辨认出哪个是哪个 can you tell the two sisters apart? 你能分得出这俩姊妹吗? to tell right from wrong 分辨对与错 (order to do) 命令 mìnglìng ; (direct to do) 指示 zhǐshì tell him yourself! 你自己去跟他说! they told me not to interfere 他们让我不要干涉 tell him not to bother; I'll do it myself 叫他不要费心,我自己来做这件事 will you kindly do what you are told! 你能不能爽快地让干什么就干什么! he won't be told (to obey orders) 他不会服从命令的 (to take advice) 他不会听人意见的 to tell sb where to put or what to do with sth informal 让某人收起那一套 to tell sb where to get off informal 严厉斥责某人 B. intransitive verb (know for certain) 确定 quèdìng it may rain or it may not; it's very hard to tell 可能下雨,也可能不下,这很难说 you just can't tell with people like that 像那样的人你可说不准 to tell from sth; 通过某事物确定 as far as I can tell … 就我所知… there is no telling … 无从知道… time (alone) will tell (只有)时间会证明 (reveal secret) 泄密 xièmì promise you won't tell! 你必须答应不说出去! that would be telling informal 那会泄密的 (be evidence of) 表明 biǎomíng the lines on his face told of years of hardship 他脸上的一道道皱纹道出了多年来的艰辛 eyes that tell of great happiness 流露出极度喜悦之情的双眼 ruins that tell of lost civilizations 讲述着已逝文明的废墟 (produce effect) 产生效果 chǎnshēng xiàoguǒ good breeding tells 良好的教养会有好的效果 her age is beginning to tell 她开始显老了 a life of hard toil is beginning to tell on him 艰辛生活的影响开始在他身上显现出来了 worry and overworking is telling on my health 忧虑与工作过度劳累开始影响我的健康 youth and inexperience told against her at the interview 年轻与缺乏经验在面试中对她不利 PHRASAL VERBS tell off transitive verb [tell sb off] informal 责备 zébèi you'll get told off if they catch you doing that! 如果你做那件事让他们抓住,你会被训斥的! she told him off for his cheek 她骂他脸皮厚 tell on: transitive verb [tell on sb] informal 告发 gàofā to tell on sb for doing sth; 告发某人做了某事 to tell on sb to the headmaster 向校长告发某人




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