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词汇 blow
blow | BrE bləʊ, AmE bloʊ | A. intransitive verb past tense blew past participle blown (move with air current) «wind» chuī to see which way the wind is blowing figurative 看清形势 (be moved by wind) «leaves, curtain» 被风吹动 bèi fēng chuīdòng (expel air) 吹气 chuīqì she blew on her hot coffee 她吹着热咖啡 (sound) «foghorn, whistle» 吹响 chuīxiǎng (pant) 喘气 chuǎnqì to puff and blow 气喘吁吁 Zoology «whale» 喷水 pēn shuǐ Electricity (burn out) «fuse» 熔断 róngduàn Motor Vehicles (burst) «tyre» 爆裂 bàoliè US informal (leave quickly) 匆匆离开 cōngcōng líkāi hot 1B. transitive verb past tense blew past participle blown (propel with air) «person, wind» chuī to blow (sb) a kiss (向某人)送飞吻 to blow smoke rings 吐烟圈 to blow glass 吹玻璃 to be blown off course 被风吹得偏离航线 it's blowing a gale/hurricane 在刮大风/飓风 (clear) xǐng nose (cause to sound) 吹奏 chuīzòu musical instrument; chuī horn (explode apart) «explosion, bomb» 炸飞 zhàfēi ; (explode open) 炸开 zhàkāi safeto be blown to pieces 被炸成碎片 to blow sb's mind figurative informal 使某人十分诧异 Electricity (burn out) 熔断 róngduàn fuseto blow a fuse or a gasket or one's lid or one's top figurative informal 气炸了 Motor Vehicles (burst) 使…爆裂 shǐ… bàoliè tyre informal (squander) 挥霍 huīhuò money informal (mess up) 把…搞砸 bǎ… gǎozá to blow one's chances 错失机会 to blow one's lines 念错台词 informal (reveal) 泄露 xièlòu to blow sb's cover 暴露某人的身份 past participle blowed British dated informal (damn) blow it! [表示生气、吃惊或不在意] 该死! gāisǐ ! well, blow me (down)! 哎呀,天哪! āiyā , tiān na ! let's take a taxi, and blow the expense 我们坐出租车吧,管它多少钱 C. noun countable (stroke) 重击 zhòngjī to fell sb with a blow 一下子将某人打倒 he was killed by a blow to the head 他被击中脑部而死 to exchange blows 互殴 to come to blows (over sb/sth) (因某人/某事物而)动武 to strike a blow against/for sth figurative 反对/拥护 freedom, justice countable figurative (shock) 打击 dǎjī to deal sb/sth a blow, to deal a blow to sb/sth 给某人/某物以打击 countable (of nose) to give one's nose a blow 擤鼻子 xǐng bízi countable Music 吹奏 chuīzòu uncountable British slang (marijuana) 大麻 dàmá PHRASAL VERBS blow away A. intransitive verb «hat, tent» 被吹走 bèi chuīzǒu B. [blow sth away, blow away sth] transitive verb (with air current) 把…吹走 bǎ… chuīzǒu to blow the dust away 吹去灰尘 (with explosives) «blast» 把…炸毁 bǎ… zhàhuǐ C. [blow sb away, blow away sb] transitive verb informal (kill with gun) 把…毙了 bǎ… bì le figurative informal (defeat easily) 轻松击败 qīngsōng jībài figurative informal (impress) 使感动 shǐ gǎndòng blow down A. intransitive verb «tree» 被刮倒 bèi guādǎo B. transitive verb [blow sth down, blow down sth] «wind» 刮倒 guādǎo treeblow in A. intransitive verb (enter) «rain» 被吹进来 bèi chuī jinlai (from blast) «door, window» 被向内炸开 bèi xiàng nèi zhàkāi informal (arrive) 突然到来 tūrán dàolái B. transitive verb [blow sth in, blow in sth] (cause to enter) «wind» 把…吹进来 bǎ… chuī jinlai rain(by blast) «bomb» 向内炸开 xiàng nèi zhàkāi door, windowblow off A. intransitive verb (be removed by the wind) «hat» 被吹走 bèi chuīzǒu (escape) «gas» 泄漏 xièlòu British informal (break wind) 放屁 fàngpì B. [blow sth off, blow off sth] transitive verb (with air current) 把…吹掉 bǎ… chuīdiào hat, dust(in explosion) «blast» 把…炸掉 bǎ… zhàdiào limb(with one's breath) 把…吹去 bǎ… chuīqù ash, dustUS figurative informal (not attend) 缺席 quēxí to blow off class 逃课 US informal (ignore) 不理睬 bù lǐcǎi offerC. [blow sb off, blow off sb] transitive verb US informal (not meet) 放…鸽子 fàng… gēzi person(end relationship with) 甩掉 shuǎidiào personblow out A. intransitive verb (be extinguished) «flame» 被吹灭 bèi chuīmiè (erupt) «oil well» 喷发 pēnfā Motor Vehicles «tyre» 爆裂 bàoliè (from blast) «door, window» 被向外炸开 bèi xiàng wài zhàkāi US informal (be injured) «knee» 受重伤 shòu zhòngshāng B. transitive verb [blow sth out, blow out sth] (extinguish) 吹灭 chuīmiè flameMotor Vehicles 使…爆裂 shǐ… bàoliè tyre(inflate) 鼓起 gǔqǐ cheeks(in explosion) «blast» 向外炸开 xiàng wài zhàkāi door, windowUS informal (injure) 使…受重伤 shǐ… shòu zhòngshāng kneeto blow itself out (lose force) «gale» 平息 píngxī blow over A. intransitive verb (lose force) «storm, dispute» 平息 píngxī (fall) «tree» 被吹倒 bèi chuīdǎo B. transitive verb [blow sth over, blow over sth] «wind» 吹倒 chuīdǎo treeblow up A. intransitive verb (explode) «bomb, building, vehicle» 爆炸 bàozhà to blow up in sb's face figurative «plan, affair, issue» 砸锅 (gather force) 加剧 jiājù a storm was blowing up 狂风大作 (start) «trouble» 突然发生 tūrán fāshēng ; «affair» 突然曝光 tūrán bàoguāng informal (lose temper) 大发雷霆 dà fā léitíng (be inflated) 充气 chōngqì B. [blow sth up, blow up sth] transitive verb (cause to explode) 引爆 yǐnbào bomb; «bomb, person» 炸毁 zhàhuǐ building, vehicle(inflate) 给…充气 gěi… chōngqì balloon, tyrePhotography (enlarge) 放大 fàngdà image, photographfigurative (exaggerate) 夸大 kuādà storyC. [blow sb up, blow up sb] transitive verb (with bomb) 炸死 zhàsǐ informal dated (reprimand) 训斥 xùnchì




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