

词汇 rumble
rumble | BrE ˈrʌmb(ə)l, AmE ˈrəmbəl | A. noun (of thunder, artillery, vehicles, machine) 隆隆声 lónglóng shēng ; (of stomach, in pipes) 咕噜声 gūlū shēng a or the rumble of sth; 某物的隆隆声 (of voices) 咕哝声 gūnong shēng a rumble of discontent went through the hall 大厅里发出了一阵不满的咕哝声 US informal (fight) 街头群架 jiētóu qúnjià B. transitive verb British informal 识破 shípò identity, fraud; 看穿 kànchuān intentions, personC. intransitive verb (make noise) «thunder, artillery» 发出隆隆声 fāchū lónglóng shēng (trundle) «old vehicle, heavy object» 隆隆地行进 lónglóng de xíngjìn to rumble along/into/past …; 隆隆地沿着…行进/进入…/经过… (with hunger) «stomach» 发出咕噜声 fāchū gūlū shēng US informal (brawl) 打群架 dǎ qúnjià PHRASAL VERB rumble on intransitive verb «debate, controversy» 没完没了地进行 méiwán méiliǎo de jìnxíng




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