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词汇 run
run | BrE rʌn, AmE rən | A. intransitive verb present participle running past tense ran past participle run (move quickly) pǎo to run to meet sb 跑着去见某人 to run to catch the bus/to help sb 跑着去赶公交车/去帮助某人 run and catch him! 赶紧去追他! to run across/along/down/up 跑步穿过/一路跑/跑下/跑上 will you run over to the shop and get some milk? 你去趟商店买牛奶好吗? to run for the bus/the train 跑着去赶公交车/火车 to come running literal 跑过来 figurative 赶紧做某人喜欢的事 gǎnjǐn zuò mǒu rén xǐhuan de shì the customers will come running 顾客会踊跃购买的 (as sport or for exercise) 跑步 pǎobù (compete in race) «athlete, dog, horse» 参加赛跑 cānjiā sàipǎo to run in the 100 metres/in the 3:30 (race) 参加100米/3:30开始的赛跑 to run for one's country 代表祖国参加赛跑 (flee) 逃跑 táopǎo I dropped everything and ran 我扔掉所有的东西跑掉了 to run for the exit 朝出口处跑去 there's nowhere to run (to) 无处可逃 run for your life! 快逃命吧! run for it! 快跑! I had to run for it 我只好撒腿跑 informal (leave) 赶紧离开 gǎnjǐn líkāi sorry, must run! 对不起,得赶紧走了! (function) «machine» 运转 yùnzhuǎn to leave the engine running 让引擎运转 to run off sth 靠…运转 mains, batteryto run on sth 用…作燃料 diesel, unleadedto run fast/slow «clock, watch» 走快/走慢 to be up and running 全面准确地运行 (proceed) «event, organization» 进行 jìnxíng to run smoothly 进展顺利 (provide service) the buses don't run on Sundays 公交车周日不开 gōngjiāochē zhōurì bù kāi a taxi service/ferry runs between A and B A和B之间有出租车/渡轮 (with reference to timetable) 发生 fāshēng to run ahead of/behind schedule 比预定时间提前/推后开始 the train is running late 火车晚点了 (move) 快速行进 kuàisù xíngjìn a pain ran up my leg 我的腿突然疼了起来 the rope ran through my hands 绳子从我的双手滑过 a wave of excitement ran through the crowd 一阵兴奋迅速在人群中蔓延 his eyes ran over the page 他把那一页浏览了一遍 the news ran from house to house 消息迅速传得家喻户晓 (extend in space) «line, boundary, road, river» 延伸 yánshēn the stripes run vertically 这些条纹是纵向的 to run parallel to sth 与某物平行 to run (from) east to west 从东向西延伸 the road runs north for about ten kilometres 这条路向北延伸约10公里 a scar runs down his cheek 他脸颊上竖着一道伤疤 a bird with a green stripe running down its back 背部有一道绿色斑纹的鸟 (extend in time) 持续 chíxù the course runs for 6 months 这门课程持续6个月 the school year runs from September to July 学年从9月份直到7月份 (be valid) «contract, permit» 有效 yǒuxiào to have another month to run 还有一个月的有效期 (be performed) «play, performance» 上演 shàngyǎn ; «TV show» 被播放 bèi bōfàng ; «film» 被放映 bèi fàngyìng this show will run and run! 这台节目将会连演! to run for about 3 months 上演约3个月 the film will run for another week 这部影片将再放映一周 (be worded) «message, speech» 被表达 bèi biǎodá ; «argument» 被陈述 bèi chénshù the telex runs … 电传的内容是… so the argument runs 论点就是这样 (flow) 流淌 liútǎng tears ran down his face 泪水顺着他的面颊淌下来 there was water running down the walls 水顺着墙壁往下流 the river ran red with blood literary 河水被鲜血染红了 the meat juices ran pink/clear 渗出的肉汁呈粉红色/很清 (release water) «tap, hose» 放水 fàng shuǐ (fill with water) 被注入水 bèi zhùrù shuǐ is the bath still running? 还在往浴缸里放水吗? (excrete liquid) «eyes» 排出体液 páichū tǐyè my nose is running 我在流鼻涕 (be covered with) 流满 liúmǎn my body was running with sweat 我浑身是汗 the streets will run with blood figurative 街上会血流成河 (spread) «dye, colour» 渗化 shènhuà ; «garment» 渗色 shènsè this fabric is likely to run 这种布料会渗色 (melt) «butter, wax» 融化 rónghuà (become) 变得 biàn de to run dry «well, river» 干涸 «pen» 没墨水 méi mòshuǐ to run low «supplies, stocks, reserves» 变少 to run short (of sth) 缺少(某物) we’ve run short of milk 我们没有牛奶了 to run scared «person» 害怕 Politics (stand as candidate) 参加竞选 cānjiā jìngxuǎn to run for sth; 竞选 jìngxuǎn mayor, governor, President, officeto run against sb; 与某人竞选 (ladder) «stockings, pantyhose, material» 抽丝 chōusī B. transitive verb present participle running past tense ran past participle run (sprint) pǎo distanceI ran the rest of the way 我跑完了剩下的路 (take part in) 参加 cānjiā she ran a brilliant race/a very fast time 她在赛跑中表现出色/跑得非常快 (take place) 开始 kāishǐ the race will be run at 10:30 赛跑将于10:30开始 (enter in race) «person, owner» 给…报名参赛 gěi… bàomíng cānsài horse, dog (enter in election) «party» 提名 tímíng person, candidate (drive) 驾驶 jiàshǐ vehicleto run the car over to the garage 把车开到修车厂去 to run the car into a tree 开车撞到树上 (take in vehicle) «person, driver» 用车载送 yòng chē zàisòng person, passenger, objectto run sb home/to the station/to hospital 开车送某人回家/去车站/去医院 to run sth over to sb's house 开车将某物送到某人家 (pass, move) 使快速移动 shǐ kuàisù yídòng to run one's hand over sth 用手抚过某物 to run one's finger down the list 用手指比着从上到下快速看一遍名单 to run one's eye(s) over sth 快速看一遍某物 to run a duster/the vacuum cleaner over sth 用掸子/吸尘器清理某物 to run one's pen/pencil through sth 用钢笔/铅笔画掉某物 to run a comb through one's hair 梳头 (wind) rào to run a tape/film back/forward 将磁带/胶片往回倒/往前进 (manage) 经营 jīngyíng a well-/badly-run organization 管理良好/不善的机构 who is running things around here? 这儿谁负责? I'm running this show! informal 这一摊儿现在归我管! stop trying to run my life! 别总想操纵我的生活! (organize, offer) 举办 jǔbàn competition, raffle; 提供 tígōng train service; 开设 kāishè lessons, course (put in service) 使…按路线行驶 shǐ… àn lùxiàn xíngshǐ train, bus, ferry (conduct) 进行 jìnxíng to run tests on sth 对某事物进行测试 to run a check on sb «police» 对某人进行调查 (own, use) «person» 拥有 yōngyǒu car, machinethe car is cheap to run 养这辆车花销不大 (operate) 运行 yùnxíng engine, programto run sth off the mains/off batteries 用交流电源/电池使某物运作 to run a machine on gas 用燃气驱动机器 to be run by sth; 靠…运转 solar power, compressed air (extend) 使…延伸 shǐ… yánshēn wire, rope, pipeto run a cable from the house to the garage 从屋子里拉一根电线到车库 to run sth around/between/under 把某物绕在…上/设在…之间/铺在…下面 to run a rope through a ring 将绳子穿过环 (smuggle) 走私 zǒusī drugs, guns, contraband (cause to flow) 使流动 shǐ liúdòng to run water into sth 将水注入 containerto run water over sth 将水浇在某物上 (release water from) 拧开 nǐngkāi tap (fill with water) 往…中放水 wǎng… zhōng fàng shuǐ bathto run sb/oneself a bath 给某人/自己放洗澡水 (carry) «newspaper» 刊登 kāndēng story, article (navigate) 在…上漂流 zài… shang piāoliú rapids, waterfall (mainly US) (not stop at) «person, driver» chuǎng red light (get past) «person, ship» 偷越 tōuyuè blockadeC. noun (act of running) pǎo ; (period of running) 跑步的时间 pǎobù de shíjiān a two-mile run 两英里的跑步 to go for a run 去跑步 to take the dog for a run in the park 到公园里遛狗 on the run (escaping) «prisoner» 在逃 (retreating) «army, soldier» 在溃退 (facing defeat) «team, competitor, opponent» 显现颓势 (very busy) «person» 在忙碌 (hurrying) «person» 在奔波 to be on the run from sb/sth 正在躲避某人/某机构的追捕 to have sb on the run 把…击退 soldier, army 把…打得无招架之力 bǎ… dǎ de wú zhāojià zhī lì opponent, competitor, teamto go on the run «prisoner» 开始逃亡 to make a run for the door 向门口跑去 to make a run for it 逃跑 táopǎo (run-up) 助跑 zhùpǎo ; (distance of run-up) 助跑距离 zhùpǎo jùlí to take a run at sth «person, athlete, rider, horse» 助跑冲向 fence, hedge, stream (running pace) 跑步 pǎobù to do sth at a run 跑着去做某事 to break into a run 突然跑起来 (car trip) 乘车短途旅行 chéngchē duǎntú lǚxíng to go for a run (in the car) 乘车兜风 it's only a short run into town 开车进城只需一小会儿 the run up to London 上伦敦去的旅程 to take sb for a run 让某人搭车 (regular route) (of driver, delivery vehicle) 旅程 lǚchéng ; (of pilot, aircraft, ship) 航程 hángchéng he does the Leeds run twice a week 他每周去两趟利兹 (by bomber) [投弹前或投弹中的] 平直匀速飞行 píngzhí yúnsù fēixíng (opportunity) 机会 jīhuì to give sb a clear run 把机会拱手让给某人 (spell) 一段时间 yī duàn shíjiān a run of fine weather 一段时间的好天气 we had a long run without any illness 我们很久没得病了 the product has had a good run but … 该产品问世很久了,但是… to have a run of good/bad luck 好运连连/厄运不断 in the long run 从长远来看 in the short run 从短期看来 (series of performances) 连续上演 liánxù shàngyǎn the play is beginning its Broadway run 这部戏在百老汇开始连续演出 to have a long run 长时间连续演出 to have a six-month run 连演6个月 (in printing) 一次印数 yī cì yìnshù ; (in industry) [一段时间内的] 额定产量 édìng chǎnliàng a paperback run of 10,000 copies 印数1万册的平装本 a production run of only 150 cars 只有150辆车的额定产量 (widespread demand) 抢购 qiǎnggòu a run on sth; 对某物的抢购 Finance (widespread trading) [因货币贬值而] 抛售 pāoshòu a run on sterling/the dollar 英镑/美元的抛售 Finance (repayment demand) 挤兑 jǐduì a run on the bank; 到银行挤兑 (trend) 趋势 qūshì against the run of play 出人意料 the run of the cards/dice was against her 她打牌/掷骰子的手气很差 in the normal run of things 在正常情况下 (type) 普通类型 pǔtōng lèixíng the general or ordinary or usual run of things 普通的事物 (track for skiing, bobsleighing, tobogganing) 滑道 huádào (enclosure for rabbits, chickens) 饲养场 sìyǎngchǎng (unrestricted use) 自由使用 zìyóu shǐyòng ; (unrestricted access) 自由出入 zìyóu chūrù to give sb the run of 允许某人自由出入 place, houseto have the run of 能随意去 place, house Sport (point in cricket, baseball) 得分 défēn to score or make a run 得1分 Music (rapid passage of notes) 急奏 jí zòu (in cards) 同花顺 tónghuāshùn a run of three 3张同花顺 (in stocking, pantyhose) 抽丝 chōusī US (in election) 竞选 jìngxuǎn a run for; 为…的竞选 nomination, officeD. runs plural noun the runs informal (diarrhoea) 腹泻 fùxiè to have the runs 拉肚子 lā dùzi PHRASAL VERBS run about intransitive verb British = run around Arun about with transitive verb British informal = run around withrun across: transitive verb [run across sb] (meet) 偶然遇见 ǒurán yùjiàn person, acquaintance[run across sth] (find) 偶然发现 ǒurán fāxiàn object, reference, quotationrun after: transitive verb [run after sb/sth] (try to catch) 追赶 zhuīgǎn person, thief, vehicle, animal, ball[run after sb] informal (seek relationship with) 追求 zhuīqiú run along intransitive verb dated informal [尤指命令儿童] 走开 zǒukāi run along (now)! (马上)走开! run around A. intransitive verb 到处跑 dàochù pǎo I've been running around all over the place looking for you 我在到处找你 B. transitive verb [run around sth] 在…处跑来跑去 zài… chù pǎolái pǎoqù the children were running around the house 孩子们在屋子里跑来跑去 run around with transitive verb [run around with sb] informal 与…鬼混 yǔ… guǐhùn run at: transitive verb [run at sb/sth] (charge towards) 冲向 chōngxiàng [run at sth] (be at) «inflation, unemployment» 达到 dádào percentage, level, rate, figurewith inflation running at 2.2% 通胀率达到2.2% run away (flee) 逃跑 táopǎo informal (go away) 离开 líkāi don't run away; the play has only just started 别走,戏才刚刚开始 to run away from sb/sth; (leave) 逃离某人/某处 táolí mǒu rén/mǒu chù (try to avoid) 回避某人/某事物 huíbì mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù to run away from home/one's husband 离家出走/离开丈夫 lí jiā chūzǒu/líkāi zhàngfu to run away from one's responsibilities/a problem 逃避责任/问题 táobì zérèn/wèntí (elope) 私奔 sībēn to run away together; 一起私奔 (flow away) «water, liquid» 流掉 liúdiào run away with A. [run away with sth] transitive verb (abscond with) 偷走 tōuzǒu profits, takings, money(mistakenly believe) 错误地相信 cuòwù de xiāngxìn impressionI don't want him running away with that idea 我不想让他有那种错误想法 to run away with the idea or notion that … 误以为… (win easily) «person, team, company» 轻松赢得 qīngsōng yíngdé prize, title, matchBritish (use up) «activity, project» 耗费 hàofèi money, resourcesB. [run away with sb] transitive verb (overwhelm) «emotions» 脱离…的控制 tuōlí… de kòngzhì to let one's emotions/enthusiasm/imagination run away with one 按捺不住情感/被热情冲昏了头/想入非非 (elope with) 和…私奔 hé… sībēn boyfriend, loverrun by: transitive verb to run sth by sb informal [为了解反应] 把…告诉某人 bǎ… gàosu mǒu rén idea, proposalcan you run that plan by me again? 把那个计划再说给我听听好吗? run down A. intransitive verb (lose power) «battery» 耗尽 hàojìn ; «watch, machine» 停止运转 tíngzhǐ yùnzhuǎn (decline) «industry, operation» 萎缩 wěisuō (decrease) «reserves, stocks» 减少 jiǎnshǎo B. [run sb/sth down, run down sb/sth] transitive verb (knock down) «driver, vehicle» 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo person, animalto be or get run down by sb/sth; 被某人/某物撞倒 (criticize) 诋毁 dǐhuǐ person, institution(catch) 抓到 zhuādào person, animal(find after a search) 找到 zhǎodào person, objectC. [run sth down, run down sth] transitive verb (make lose power) 耗尽 hàojìn battery; 使…停止运转 shǐ… tíngzhǐ yùnzhuǎn watch, machine(reduce) 减少 jiǎnshǎo production, reserves; 使…萎缩 shǐ… wěisuō industryrun in: transitive verb [run sth in, run in sth] British Motor Vehicles 磨合 móhé car, engine‘running in — please pass’ “磨合驾驶──请先行” [run sb in] informal (arrest) «person, police» 拘留 jūliú run into A. [run into sb/sth] transitive verb (collide with) «person, vehicle» 撞上 zhuàngshang person, vehicle, tree, wallB. [run into sth] transitive verb (experience) 遇到 yùdào difficultiesto run into debt 负债 (enter area of) 遭遇 zāoyù bad weather(amount to) «debt, sales» 达到 dádào hundreds, millionsan income running into six figures 高达6位数的收入 C. [run into sb] transitive verb (meet) 偶然遇见 ǒurán yùjiàn run off A. intransitive verb (flee) «person, animal» 跑掉 pǎo diào (abscond) 逃走 táozǒu informal (go away) 离开 líkāi don't let him run off without saying goodbye 别让他不辞而别 (flow off) «water, liquid» 流掉 liúdiào B. transitive verb [run sth off, run off sth] (print) «person, machine» 复印 fùyìn copyto run sth off on sth; 用某物复印某物 (contest) «organizers» 使…进行 shǐ… jìnxíng heats(drain off) 使…流出 shǐ… liúchū liquidrun off the water that has been standing in the pipes 把管子里积存的水排干 run off with: transitive verb [run off with sth] (abscond with) 偷走 tōuzǒu takings, money[run off with sb] (elope with) 和…私奔 hé… sībēn run on A. intransitive verb «meeting, seminar, programme, person» 拖延 tuōyán B. transitive verb [run sth on, run on sth] Printing 接排 jiēpái [run on sb/sth] (be concerned with) «thoughts, discussion, conversation» 围绕 wéirào person, subject, event; «mind» 总想着 zǒng xiǎngzhe person, subject, eventrun out intransitive verb (be used up) 被耗尽 bèi hàojìn my money ran out 我的钱花完了 time is running out 剩下的时间不多了 my patience is running out 我越来越没耐心了 their luck ran out 他们的好运到头了 (become empty) «pen» 用干墨水 yònggān mòshuǐ ; «vending machine» 售光 shòuguāng (exhaust supply) 用完 yòngwán sorry, I've run out 对不起,我用完了 the car ran out of petrol 车没油了 (expire) «passport, licence, agreement» 过期 guòqī ; «contract» 失效 shīxiào run out on transitive verb [run out on sb] informal 抛弃 pāoqì wife, husband, partnerrun over A. [run sb/sth over, run over sb/sth] transitive verb (knock down) 撞倒 zhuàngdǎo B. [run over sth] transitive verb (drive over) 从…上压过 cóng… shang yāguo body, log, bump, stone(explain) 快速解释 kuàisù jiěshì schedule, main points, figures(read through) 浏览 liúlǎn notes, textC. intransitive verb (overrun) «meeting, programme» 超时 chāoshí to run over by 10 minutes 超时10分钟 (overflow) «container, water» 溢出 yìchū run past transitive verb informal = run byrun round intransitive or transitive verb British = run aroundrun round with transitive verb British informal = run around withrun through A. [run through sb/sth] transitive verb «murmur, excitement, thrill» 迅速传遍 xùnsù chuánbiàn crowd, audience; «thought, tune» 在…里闪过 zài… li shǎnguo head, mindB. [run through sth] transitive verb (pervade) «theme, prejudice» 遍布 biànbù work, society(present, explain) 快速说明 kuàisù shuōmíng schedule, main points, figures(read through) 浏览 liúlǎn notes, text(use up) 挥霍掉 huīhuò diào money, inheritance(rehearse) 排练 páiliàn speech, scene, actC. [run sth through sth] transitive verb (process) «person» 用…处理… yòng… chǔlǐ… to run sth through the computer 用计算机处理 data, figures(subject to) 使…经受… shǐ… jīngshòu… to run sth through a series of tests 对…进行一系列检测 machine, device, sampleD. [run sb/sth through] transitive verb literary (stab) 刺穿 cìchuān to run sb/sth through with a sword/spear; 用剑/矛刺穿某人/某物 run to A. [run to sb/sth] transitive verb (have recourse to) 向…求助 xiàng… qiúzhù person, authorityto go running to one's parents 去找父母帮忙 to go running to the police 去找警察求助 don't come running to me for a handout 别来求我施舍 B. [run to sth] transitive verb (extend to) 达到 dádào to run to 300 pages 长达300页 her tastes don't run to modern jazz 她还欣赏不了现代爵士乐 (be enough for) «income, savings» 足够…之用 zúgòu… zhī yòng object, activityhis salary doesn't run to Caribbean cruises 他的薪水不足以去加勒比海乘船游览 (afford) 买得起 mǎideqǐ I don't think I can run to that 我想我买不起那个 run up transitive verb [run sth up, run up sth] (accumulate) 积欠 jīqiàn bill, debt(make) 赶制 gǎnzhì dress, curtains(raise) 升起 shēngqǐ flagrun up against transitive verb [run up against sth] «person, proposal, scheme» 遭遇 zāoyù difficulty, obstacle, oppositionrun with transitive verb US informal = run around with




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