

词汇 wad
wad | BrE wɒd, AmE wɑd | A. noun (mass of soft things) 软团 ruǎntuán a wad of cotton wool 一团药棉 (portion) kuài a wad of tobacco/chewing gum 一撮烟叶/一块口香糖 (bundle) dié a wad of bank notes 一沓钞票 informal (large amount) 许多 xǔduō a wad of money 一大把钱 B. wads plural noun informal 许许多多 xǔxǔduōduō C. transitive verb present participle wadding past tense, past participle wadded (compress) 将…揉成团 jiāng… róuchéng tuán (plug) 填塞 tiánsè (pad) 用填料填充 yòng tiánliào tiánchōng chair, jacket




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