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词汇 trouble
trouble | BrE ˈtrʌb(ə)l, AmE ˈtrəb(ə)l | A. noun uncountable and countable (problems) 问题 wèntí what's the trouble? 出什么事了? to cause or give (sb) trouble (给某人)带来困难 to make trouble for sb 给某人制造麻烦 to have trouble doing sth 做某事有困难 you may have trouble convincing the police 你也许很难让警方相信 to have trouble with sth/sb 某事物有麻烦/对付某人有困难 we're having a bit of trouble with our car 我们的车出了一点儿毛病 engine trouble 发动机故障 to be a trouble (to sb) (对某人)是个麻烦 to be in trouble 处于困境 she's in trouble with the police 她犯事落入了警察的手里 to get or run into trouble 陷入困境 he's always getting into trouble at school 他在学校总惹麻烦 to get sb into trouble 让某人有麻烦 to get a girl in(to) trouble informal dated 使女孩未婚先孕 to get out of trouble 脱离困境 to be asking for trouble informal 自找麻烦 uncountable (discord) 纷争 fēnzhēng ; (fighting) 打斗 dǎdòu ; (rioting) 动乱 dòngluàn relationship troubles 家庭矛盾 the police had come expecting trouble and were in full riot gear 警察预料到会有暴乱,所以身穿全套防暴服赶来 to be looking for trouble informal 寻衅滋事 to make trouble 闹事 they seem bent on making trouble 他们好像执意要闹事 there's trouble brewing 骚乱即将发生 uncountable (effort, inconvenience) 不便 bùbiàn it's no trouble (at all)! (一点儿都)不麻烦! it's so much trouble preparing all the ingredients 准备所有的配料太费事了 to go to a lot of trouble (to do sth) 不辞辛劳(做某事) they didn't go to any trouble to disguise what they felt 他们没有试图掩饰自己的感受 to go to the trouble of doing sth 费力做某事 to go to or take a lot of trouble over sth 在某事物上花许多工夫 she went to an awful lot of trouble over the arrangements 她下了很大工夫进行安排 to take the trouble to do sth 不辞辛苦做某事 to save sb/oneself the trouble (of doing sth) 为某人/自己省却(做某事的)麻烦 it's not worth the trouble 这不值得费力气 uncountable Medicine 病痛 bìngtòng heart trouble 心脏病 back trouble 背痛 my leg's been giving me trouble 我的腿一直疼 B. troubles plural noun (worries, woes) 烦恼 fánnǎo to tell sb one's troubles 向某人诉苦 to listen to sb's troubles 听某人诉苦 may all your troubles be little ones! 但愿你们的烦恼都不是烦恼! [传统上对新婚夫妇的祝福语]his troubles are over 他死了 money troubles 金钱上的困扰 the troubles British Politics 动乱时期 dòngluàn shíqī [北爱尔兰民族主义者与反自治主义者、新教徒与天主教徒之间的暴力冲突] C. transitive verb (worry) «problem, anxiety» 困扰 kùnrǎo I wonder what's troubling her 我不知道什么事让她愁眉苦脸 it is going to cost a lot of money, but don't let that trouble you 这要花很多钱,但你不要担心 (bother) 麻烦 máfan sorry to trouble you! is this your car? 对不起,打扰您一下!这是您的车吗? may I trouble you for the butter/your signature? 麻烦递一下黄油/签一下名好吗? (cause pain, discomfort) «part of body, illness» 使疼痛 shǐ téngtòng my back is troubling me again 我的背又开始痛了 to be troubled by or with sth; 受某病痛折磨 he's been troubled by a nasty cough 他一直在剧烈地咳嗽 D. to trouble oneself reflexive verb 劳神 láoshén don't trouble yourself! 别费心了! they didn't trouble themselves to explain 他们没有费神去解释 E. intransitive verb (bother) 费心 fèixīn don't trouble informal 别费心了 don't trouble about me: I'll be OK 不用担心我,我不会有事的 don't trouble to meet me, I'll get a taxi 不必来接我,我打的好了 don't trouble to knock, will you! ironic 门都懒得敲了,是吧! (worry) 忧虑 yōulǜ to trouble about or over or with sb/sth; 为某人/某事物担心 she was too concerned with her own feelings to trouble about mine 她一味地想着自己的感受,都不关心我怎么想




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