

词汇 一时
一时 yīshí A. noun 一个时期a period of time 此一时,彼一时。 Times have changed. 短时间a short while 看一个人不要看他的一时一事。 Don’t judge a person by a single factor in their life. 一时半会, 一时半刻B. adverb 偶尔temporarily 一时冲动 act on a spur-of-the-moment impulse 一时糊涂 get temporarily confused 一时想不起来 can’t recall it offhand 时而one moment …, the next … 天气一时冷,一时热。 The weather is cold one moment, hot the next. 他的病一时好,一时坏。 His condition is sometimes good, sometimes bad.




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