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词汇 weak
weak | BrE wiːk, AmE wik | A. adjective (not physically powerful) 软弱无力的 ruǎnruò wúlì de person, armsthe weaker sex dated derogatory 女性 (debilitated) 虚弱的 xūruò de patient, heartbeat, voiceto be weak with or from; 因…而身体发软 hunger, excitement 弱的 ruò de eyesight, digestionweak at the knees informal [因激动、害怕、生病等] 两腿发软的 (functioning poorly) 衰弱的 shuāiruò de bladder, immune system; (with limited effect) 效力不强的 xiàolì bù qiáng de medicineshe suffered from a weak heart 她心脏不太好 a very weak memory 非常差的记性 weak spectacles/lenses 度数浅的眼镜/镜片 to have a weak stomach (have delicate digestion) 胃不太好 figurative (be squeamish) 容易心烦意乱 róngyì xīnfán yìluàn (not performing activity powerfully) 差的 chà de to be a weak swimmer 不善游泳 (not powerful, done to slight degree) 无力的 wúlì de push, grip, challenge, protest, criticism; (exerting little natural force) 微弱的 wēiruò de sound, magnet, lightweak evidence 没有说服力的证据 to give (sb) a weak smile (向某人)淡淡一笑 (easy to resist or defeat) 软弱的 ruǎnruò de country, government, president, teama weak point or spot 弱点 (not robust) 不牢固的 bù láogù de structure, joint, beam, foundations (irresolute, easily influenced) 懦弱的 nuòruò de a weak will 薄弱的意志 weak nerves 脆弱的神经 in a weak moment 一时心软 (not firm or decisive) 软弱的 ruǎnruò de measure, leadership (not proficient) 不称职的 bù chènzhí de teacher, parent; 无把握获胜的 wú bǎwò huòshèng de candidateto be sb's weak point «spelling, maths» 是某人的弱项 to be weak in or at; 不擅长 spelling, maths (deficient, poor) 不擅长的 bù shàncháng de his French is weak 他的法语说得不好 (of low standard) 水平低的 shuǐpíng dī de essay, novel (not firmly established) 不牢靠的 bù láokao de bond, position Economics 疲软的 píruǎn de market, currency; 看跌的 kàndiē de price; 萧条的 xiāotiáo de economy, demandthe pound is weak against the dollar 英镑对美元的走势疲软 (unsuccessful) 疲弱的 píruò de industry, economy (not concentrated, affecting senses slightly) 淡的 dàn de taste, smellweak tea/coffee 淡茶/淡咖啡 a weak alkali 弱碱 a weak soup 稀汤 (not striking) 线条不分明的 xiàntiáo bù fēnmíng de features, nose, chin Linguistics 弱变化的 ruò biànhuà de verb, form; 非重读的 fēizhòngdú de form, syllableB. plural noun the weak 弱者 ruòzhě




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