

词汇 bolt
bolt1 | BrE bəʊlt, AmE boʊlt | A. noun (lock) 插销 chāxiāo to shoot a bolt (lock) 插上插销 (unlock) 拔下插销 Technology (screw) 螺栓 luóshuān a bolt of lightning 闪电 shǎndiàn a bolt from the or out of the blue figurative (sth good) 意外惊喜 yìwài jīngxǐ (sth bad) 飞来横祸 fēi lái hènghuò (for crossbow) 弩箭 nǔjiàn to have shot one's bolt informal 已竭尽全力 (of rifle) 枪栓 qiāngshuān B. transitive verb (lock) 用插销闩上 yòng chāxiāo shuānshang window, doorto be bolted shut 被闩住 Building 用螺栓固定 yòng luóshuān gùdìng plate, sectionC. adverb bolt upright 笔直地 bǐzhí de




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