

1 wéi verb do 敢作敢为 act with daring 尽力而为 try one’s best 何乐而不为。 Why not go ahead with it? 见义勇为 作为act as 推举某人为代表 delegate sb 以某人为首的代表团 delegation led by sb 有诗为证。 A poem testifies to that. 不足为凭 成为become 变沙漠为良田 turn the desert into arable land 化为乌有 vanish into nothing 化悲痛为力量 turn grief into strength 化整为零 break up the whole into parts 沦为乞丐 be reduced to begging 一分为二 divide into two 先入为主 literary be 试用期为三个月。 The probation period lasts three months. 一公里为二华里。 One kilometre is equivalent to two li.




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