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fēn A. verb 划分divide 分粮/钱 divide the grain/money 分三个月付清 spread the payments over three months 把土地分成小块 separate land into small plots 分离, 分手 分配distribute 分到一套住房 be assigned a flat 把财产分给子女 divide one’s property among one’s children 区分distinguish 不分青红皂白 make no distinction between right and wrong 两队现在还难分胜负。 Now it’s still a toss-up between the two teams. B. adjective divided 分行 bank branch 分校 branch campus 分社 publishing division 分部, 分支C. noun Mathematics fraction 百分之二十八 twenty-eight per cent 二分之一 a half 分数, 通分 得分point 打分 award points 得满分 attain full marks D. measure word 表成数[for evaluation of something abstract]六分成绩,四分错误。 Sixty per cent are achievements and forty per cent mistakes. 他有了几分醉意。 He is already a trifle tipsy. 计量单位fen [units of length, weight and area, respectively equal to 0.333 centimetre, 0.5 gram and 66.7 square metres] 指利率[unit of interest rate] a 月利1% monthly interest 月利一分五 1.5% monthly interest b 年利10% annual interest 年利一分五 15% annual interest 指时间、角度、经纬度等minute 三点四十五分 a quarter to four, three forty-five 北纬50度26分 50 degrees 26 minutes (50°26’) north latitude 35度25分 35 degrees 25 minutes (35°25’) E. number one tenth 分米 fèn




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