

词汇 will
will2 | BrE wɪl, AmE wɪl | A. noun uncountable and countable (mental power) 意志 yìzhì to have a strong/weak will 意志坚强/薄弱 by an effort of will 用意志力 to have a will of one's own 固执己见 uncountable (determination) 毅力 yìlì great strength of will 巨大的毅力 uncountable and countable (desire, intention) 意愿 yìyuàn to do sth with a will 乐意做某事 to do sth against one's will 违背意愿做某事 to lose the will to live 丧失活下去的意欲 the will of the people 人民的意愿 a battle of wills 意气之争 where there's a will, there's a way proverb 有志者事竟成 countable Law 遗嘱 yízhǔ to make a/one's will; 立遗嘱 to leave a will 留下遗嘱 he left me the house in his will 他在遗嘱中把房子赠给了我 sb's last will and testament 某人的临终遗嘱 B. at will adverb phrase 自由地 zìyóu de to come and go at will 来去自由 to fire at will 随意开枪 C. transitive verb past tense, past participle willed (urge mentally) 以意志力驱使 yǐ yìzhìlì qūshǐ to will sb/sth to do sth; 以意志力促使某人/某物做某事 to will sb's downfall 强烈希望某人垮台 she willed him to live 她决心一定要让他活下去 to will one's eyes to stay open 努力睁着眼睛 (wish, intend) 想要 xiǎngyào if God wills it 如果这是上帝的旨意 fate willed it so 命运如此 Law 遗赠 yízèng to will sth to sb; 将某物遗赠给某人 D. to will oneself reflexive verb past tense, past participle willed to will oneself to do sth; 决意做某事 juéyì zuò mǒu shì to will oneself to stand up 竭力站起来 jiélì zhàn qilai she willed herself to finish the race 她竭尽全力跑完了比赛 PHRASAL VERB will on transitive verb [will sb/sth on, will on sb/sth] 以意志力驱使…进步 yǐ yìzhìlì qūshǐ… jìnbù




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