

1 kāi A. verb 打开open 开窗户 open a window 在墙上开个洞 make a hole in the wall 门开着。 The door is open. 锁打不开。 The lock won’t open. 开幕, 公开, 网开一面 使开始工作turn on 开电视/空调 turn on the TV/air conditioner 电视机开着。 The TV is on. 操作operate 开船 sail a ship 开汽车 drive a car 指交通工具move 班车什么时候开? When does the bus leave? 火车开进站了。 The train pulled into the station. 舒展open out 花开了。 The flower bloomed. 开屏, 盛开 散开come loose 鞋带开了。 The shoe lace came undone. 融化thaw out 河开了。 The river has cleared. 开冻 开辟open up 开50亩水稻田 open up 50 mu of paddy fields 开运河 dig a canal 开荒, 开垦 解除lift 开荤, 开戒, 开禁 出发set out 开往前线 set out for the front line 开拔 创立start 开餐馆 start a restaurant 开工厂 open a factory 开业 举行hold 开辩论会 hold a debate 开欢送会 hold a farewell party 开会, 召开 写出write out 开发票 make out an invoice 开处方 write a prescription 开始start 会什么时候开? When will the meeting begin? 开工, 开拍, 开始 支付pay 开工资 pay (out) wages 沸腾boil 把汤烧开。 Bring the soup to the boil. 开水 informal 开除fire 他被开了。 He was sacked. 开除 informal eat up 他把蛋糕都开了。 He polished off the whole cake. 按比例分开divide into 四六开 in the proportion of four to six B. measure word Printing division of standard size printing paper 32开 32mo 开本




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