

A. noun 极端utmost point 痛苦之极 be in extreme pain 贫富两极 extremes of poverty and wealth 登峰造极 地极pole 地球的两极略呈扁平形。 The earth is slightly flattened at the poles. 极地, 南极, 阳极B. verb reach the limit 极尽能事 spare no effort 极一时之盛 attain the utmost glory of the time 极力, 乐极生悲, 物极必反C. adjective extreme 极高的山 extremely high mountain 事业极盛期 height of one’s career 极度, 极端, 极刑D. adverb extremely 极不满意 be not at all satisfied 极为重要 be of the utmost importance 状态极佳 be in perfectly good condition 痛苦极了 be in extreme agony 无聊极了 be bored to death 极少数 only a very few




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