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tónɡ A. verb 相似be similar 条件不同 under different conditions 我们就读于同一所学校。 We studied at the same school. 同类, 同样, 大同小异 相同be the same as “贰”同“二”。 贰 is the same as 二. 同上B. adverb together 同乘一架飞机 be on the same flight 同吃同住 live under the same roof and eat at the same table 同甘共苦, 同学, 会同, 陪同C. preposition 表示一起with 同父母住在一起 live with one’s parents 她同他一起去看电影了。 She went to the cinema with him. 这事同我没有任何关系。 This has nothing to do with me. 表示比较[used to show comparison, etc.] like 同去年相比,我国国民生产总值增长了百分之八。 Our country’s GNP has increased by 8% over the last year. 今年的气候同往年差不多。 The weather this year is more or less the same as it used to be. D. conjunction and 当时屋里只有他同我两个人。 Only he and I were in the room at that time. 你同他都答对了。 Both you and he gave the correct answer. tònɡ




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