

词汇 孔子
孔子 Kǒnɡzǐ noun Confucius 孔子Confucius (551-479 BC), philosopher, politician, moral teacher, and founder of the Confucian School. Confucius was born in Zouyi in the Kingdom of Lu (today's Qufu in Shandong Province). His teaching emphasizes morality in personal and governmental affairs, justice, and correct observance of social relationships. The Confucian school of thought has had a profound social and cultural influence on Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese culture. The Analects of Confucius (《论语》) records the sage's conversations with his disciples. The Spring and Autumn Annals (《春秋》), which he revised based on the records of Kingdom of Lu historians, became China's first historical work founded on annalistic principles.




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