

词汇 discount
discount A. noun uncountable and countable | BrE ˈdɪskaʊnt, AmE ˈdɪskaʊnt | (price reduction) 折扣 zhékòu to get/give a discount; 得到/给予折扣 to get/give a discount on sth; 打折买/卖某物 at a discount; 打折地 discount for cash 用现金有折扣 to be sold at a discount «shares» 低于票面值出售 Finance 贴现 tiēxiàn B. transitive verb | BrE dɪsˈkaʊnt, AmE ˈdɪskaʊnt | (reject) 不予考虑 bù yǔ kǎolǜ possibility, approach (reduce price of) 打折出售 dǎzhé chūshòu goods Finance 把…贴现 bǎ… tiēxiàn




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