

1 dānɡ A. verb 等于be equal 门当户对, 相当 掌管be in charge 当家, 当权, 独当一面 承担accept 不敢当。 I just don’t deserve it. 一人做事一人当。 One must be accountable for what one does. 敢作敢当 阻拦block 螳臂当车 担任serve as 当第一把手 play first fiddle 当秘书 work as a secretary 既当爸又当妈 have the role of both father and mother 对着face 首当其冲 应该should 理当如此。 That’s the way it should be. 当买的就买,不当买的就不买。 Buy what you must but not what you shouldn’t. B. preposition when 当我上床时,已经是十二点了。 It was already 12 o’clock when I went to bed. 当初, 当前C. noun 空隙space 空当 2 指顶部end 瓦当




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