词汇 | fall |
释义 | fall | BrE fɔːl, AmE fɔl | A. intransitive verb past tense fell past participle fallen ① (come down vertically) 落下 ▸ the vase fell and broke into a thousand pieces 花瓶掉下来摔得粉碎 ▸ the blow fell in the small of his back 那一拳打在他的腰背部 ▸ the axe has fallen on one of the company's subsidiaries figurative 公司的一家子公司歇业了 ▸ the rain was falling steadily 雨下个不停 ▸ in early autumn, the leaves begin to fall from or off the trees 初秋,树叶开始凋落 ▸ I fell out of bed last night 我昨晚从床上摔了下来 ▸ the handle of the suitcase fell off 手提箱的把手掉了 ▸ she fell into the river 她掉进了河里 ② (collapse) 倒下 ▸ many trees fell in the storm 在暴风雨中许多树都倒了 ▸ she fell on her face 她摔了个嘴啃泥 ▸ six wickets fell before lunch (in cricket) 午饭前有6个击球员被杀出局 ▸ the bigger you are, the harder you fall 人越高大,摔得越重 ▸ the sales director has left — did he fall or was he pushed? figurative 销售主管离职了──他是自己辞职的还是被解雇的? ▸ he fell to or on his knees and begged for mercy 他跪下求饶 ▸ they fell into each other's arms 他们互相拥抱 ▸ she fell into the chair, exhausted 她筋疲力尽地跌坐在椅子上 ③ (move downwards) «sun» 下落 ; «tide» 消退 ; «hands» 垂落 ▸ his arms fell to his sides 他双臂下垂,放在身体两侧 ▸ the curtain fell Theatre 幕落了 ④ (hang down) 下垂 ▸ her hair fell over her shoulders 她的头发披在肩上 ⑤ (occur) 发生 ▸ my birthday falls on a Wednesday 我的生日适逢星期三 ▸ Easter falls early this year 今年的复活节来得早 ⑥ (slope downward) «land, path» 向下倾斜 ▸ the ground falls gently for several hundred metres 地面缓缓向下倾斜好几百米 ⑦ literary (perish in battle) 阵亡 ⑧ Military, Politics (be captured) 失守 ▸ Troy fell to the Greeks 特洛伊城被希腊人攻陷 ▸ a number of Labour seats have fallen to the Conservatives 许多工党的席位落入了保守党的手中 ⑨ (be defeated) 被打败 ; (be removed) 下台 ▸ the government fell after the revolution 政府在那次革命之后垮台了 ⑩ figurative (collapse) «defence, theory» 瓦解 ; «future, career» 垮掉 ▸ to stand or fall on sth 成败取决于某事物 ▸ the case for the defence stands or falls on this question 被告的理由成立与否取决于对这个问题的回答 ⑪ figurative (descend) «hush, night, fear» 降临 ; «person, record, morale» 下降 ▸ a sudden silence fell over or among the waiting crowd 等待的人群突然变得鸦雀无声 ▸ darkness falls quickly in the tropics 热带地区天黑得很快 ▸ great sadness fell upon them 他们感到悲痛欲绝 ▸ her spirits fell at the bad news 她听到坏消息后情绪低落 ▸ the band has fallen in popularity 这个乐队的人气下降了 ▸ she fell to third place 她的排名降至第三 ⑫ (be uttered) 被说出 ▸ not a word fell from his lips or mouth 他一声不吭 ▸ to let fall sth or to let sth fall; 透露某事 ▸ did he let fall any hints about what he wants for his birthday? 他暗示过他想要什么生日礼物吗? ⑬ figurative (land on) 落在 ▸ a ray of light fell across his bed 一束光线从他床上掠过 ▸ the stress falls on the first syllable 重音落在第一个音节上 ▸ my eye fell on a bloodstain on the carpet 我突然看到地毯上有一处血迹 → deaf A2⑭ (decrease) 下降 ▸ prices have fallen on the stock market 股市已经下跌 ▸ the sound of the siren rises and falls 警报器的声音时高时低 ▸ the value of the house has fallen by £20,000 这幢房子贬值了2万英镑 ▸ production fell to an all-time low last month 上个月的产量降至历史最低 ▸ don't let your speed fall below five miles per hour 别让你的车速低于每小时5英里 ⑮ (pass into specified state) 进入 ▸ he fell under suspicion 他受到了怀疑 ▸ to fall ill or sick 生病 ▸ she fell pregnant last May British informal 她是5月份怀的孕 ▸ to fall silent or quiet 安静下来 ▸ the book fell open at a picture of a spider 书翻开在有蜘蛛插图的那一页 ▸ to fall to bits or pieces 变成碎片 ▸ my car is falling to pieces 我的车要散架了 ▸ their relationship has fallen to pieces figurative 他们的关系/婚姻已经破裂了 ▸ to fall into sth; 陷入某种状态 ▸ I fell into a deep sleep 我陷入了沉睡 ▸ they fell into bad habits 他们养成了坏习惯 ▸ moral standards are falling into decay figurative 道德标准每况愈下 ▸ to fall from power 下台 ⑯ (move into specified place) 处于 ▸ which category does this fall into? 这属于哪一类? ▸ an act that falls in the grey area between attack and self-defence 介于攻击与自卫之间的行为 ▸ the lecture falls naturally into three parts 演讲自然地分为三个部分 ▸ to fall under sth; 归于某事物之下 ▸ that falls under ‘any other business’ 那属于“其他事项” ▸ to fall outside/within sth; 不在/在某事物的范围之内 ▸ the question of finance falls outside the scope of this inquiry 财务问题不在本次调查的范围之内 ▸ problems that fall within my area of responsibility 我责任范围内的问题 ⑰ Religion 堕落 ▸ to fall into temptation 受到诱惑而堕落 B. noun ① (act or instance of falling) 落下 ▸ a heavy fall of snow 一场大雪 ▸ a fall of rocks had blocked the road 滚落的岩石堵住了路 ▸ winning or losing depends on the fall of the dice 输赢通过掷骰子来决定 ▸ the rise and fall of the tide 潮水的涨落 ▸ the fall of the curtain signalled the end of the show 落幕表示演出结束了 ② (uncontrolled descent) 摔倒 ▸ to have a bad fall 重重地摔了一跤 ▸ he was injured in a fall from his horse 他从马背上掉下来受了伤 ▸ that was a nasty fall — are you all right? 这一跤摔得不轻──你还好吧? ③ (distance fallen) 下落距离 ▸ a fall of 20 metres 20米的落差 ④ Sport (in wrestling) 双肩着地 ; (in judo) 体落 ⑤ (hang of fabric, hair) 下垂 ⑥ (collapse, defeat) 失守 ▸ the fall of Troy 特洛伊城的沦陷 ⑦ (decline in power) (of person, president) 失势 ; (of government, regime) 垮台 ; (of empire, republic) 灭亡 ▸ a fall in popularity 人气的下降 ⑧ (decrease) 下降 ▸ a fall in prices 价格的下跌 ▸ a sharp fall in unemployment numbers 失业人数的急剧减少 ▸ a fall in value of £3,000 3,000英镑的贬值 ⑨ (lowering in pitch) 降低 ▸ the rise and fall of the melody 音调的升降 ⑩ (lapse into sin) 堕落 ▸ the Fall (of Man) 人类的堕落 ▸ his fall from grace 他的堕落 ⑪ US (autumn) 秋天 C. falls plural noun (waterfall) 瀑布 ▸ the Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布 PHRASAL VERBS fall about intransitive verb ① British informal (be helpless with laughter) 捧腹大笑 ▸ she looked so funny: he just fell about (laughing or with laughter) 她看上去滑稽之极,让他笑得前仰后合 ② (move awkwardly) 踉踉跄跄地走 fall apart intransitive verb ① (break) «book, car» 散架 ; «house» 倒塌 ; «suitcase» 破裂 ② (disintegrate) «relationship» 破裂 ; «country, organization» 解体 ; «plan» 失败 ▸ their marriage is falling apart 他们的婚姻岌岌可危 ▸ they couldn't raise the money, so the deal fell apart 他们没能筹到钱,所以生意告吹了 ③ informal (lose one's capacity to cope) 崩溃 ▸ he fell apart when his wife died 妻子死后他彻底垮了 fall away intransitive verb ① (become detached) 掉落 ▸ to fall away from sth; 从某物上掉下来 ▸ the paint is beginning to fall away from the ceiling 油漆开始从天花板上剥落 ② (have slope) «land, path» 向下倾斜 ▸ the field falls sharply away to the river 这块田在河边一带地势陡降 ③ (become fewer or less) 减少 ▸ output fell away to an all-time low 产量降至历史最低水平 ④ (withdraw support) «supporters» 离弃 ▸ his friends began to fall away 他的朋友开始和他疏远了 fall back intransitive verb ① (move back) 后退 ▸ the enemy fell back as our troops advanced 我军向前挺进,敌军向后撤退 ▸ she fell back in horror 她吓得直往后退 ② (lag behind) 落在后面 ▸ they fell back from the main group 他们落在大部队的后面 fall back on transitive verb [fall back on sb/sth] 求助于 ▸ your parents won't always be there to fall back on 你不可能总是依靠父母 ▸ at least he's got his savings to fall back on 至少他还有积蓄可赖以生活 ▸ they wanted me to do a computer course so that I'd have something to fall back on 他们希望我学习计算机课程,给自己多留一条出路 fall behind A. intransitive verb ① (move to a position behind others) 落在后面 ▸ to fall behind in the arms race 在军备竞赛中落后 ② (with payment) 拖欠 ; (with work or other activity) 没有及时做 ▸ I had to sit up studying all night so as not to fall behind 我不得不整晚熬夜学习,以免落下功课 ▸ to fall behind with sth; 拖欠某物 ▸ to fall behind with the rent 拖欠租金 ▸ I've fallen behind with my correspondence 我积压了很多信没有回 B. transitive verb [fall behind sb/sth] 落在某人/某事物的后面 ▸ he has fallen behind his classmates in maths 他在数学方面落后于班上的其他同学 ▸ their wages have fallen behind (earnings in) the private sector 他们的工资比私营企业员工(的薪水)低 fall down intransitive verb ① (fall accidentally) «person, animal» 摔倒 ; «object» 掉落 ▸ the poster has fallen down 海报已经脱落了 ▸ the tree fell down in the gale 这棵树被大风吹倒了 ② (collapse) 倒塌 ▸ the tent fell down in the middle of the night 半夜里帐篷倒了 ▸ the house was falling down informal 房子快塌了 ③ figurative (fail) 失败 ▸ his argument falls down on this point 这一点就是他的论据的不足之处 ▸ she fell down on music history 她的音乐史考砸了 fall for transitive verb [fall for sb/sth] informal ① (fall in love with) 爱上 ▸ they fell for each other instantly 他们一见倾心 ② (find attractive) 被…所吸引 ‹charm, looks, house›③ (be tricked by) 对…信以为真 ▸ he didn't fall for the trick 他没有中计 ▸ they fell for my story 他们听信了我的说法 fall in intransitive verb ① (tumble in) 掉进去 ▸ the water's deep here, mind you don't fall in! 这里的水深,当心别掉下去! ② (give way) 塌陷 ▸ the roof fell in 屋顶塌了 ③ Military 站队 ▸ you're late — fall in immediately! 你迟到了──立即入列! ▸ the sergeant ordered his men to fall in 中士命令士兵集合 ④ (start walking next to) 跟着走 ▸ I fell in alongside or beside the procession 我在队伍旁边跟着走 fall in with transitive verb [fall in with sb/sth] ① (meet) 遇见 ; (join) 加入 ; (become involved with) 开始与…有牵连 ▸ he fell in with bad company 他结交了一帮不三不四的人 ② (agree with) 同意 ▸ to fall in with sb's plan 赞成某人的计划 fall off intransitive verb ① (decrease in quantity) 减少 ▸ business is falling off 生意越来越清淡 ▸ production fell off drastically during the strike 罢工期间产量急剧下降 ② (deteriorate) «standard, quality» 下降 fall on transitive verb [fall on sb/sth] ① (attack) 袭击 ② (seize) 扑向 ‹food, treasure›③ (be borne by) «burden, cost» 由…负担 ‹person›▸ the duty of caring for her fell on the eldest daughter 照顾她的任务落在大女儿的身上 ▸ the blame always falls on me 出了错总是归咎于我 ▸ it falls on the retailer to replace faulty goods 零售商有责任退换次品 fall out intransitive verb ① 掉落 ▸ his hair is starting to fall out 他的头发开始脱落 ▸ don't lean out of the window too far — you might fall out 别探出窗户太远──你可能会摔出去 ▸ she opened the book, and a faded photograph fell out 她翻开那本书,一张褪色的照片掉了出来 ② (quarrel) 争吵 ▸ we've fallen out 我们吵架了 ▸ to fall out with sb; 和某人争吵 ▸ she's fallen out with her next-door neighbour 她与隔壁邻居吵了一架 ▸ to fall out over sth; 为某事物争吵 ▸ they fell out over the issue of local government finance 他们为地方政府的财政问题发生了争吵 ③ Military 原地解散 ▸ fall out! 原地解散! ④ British (happen) 发生 ▸ everything fell out as planned 一切都按计划进行 ▸ we were pleased with the way things fell out 我们对事情的进展感到满意 fall over A. intransitive verb (fall down) 倒下 ▸ I tripped and fell over 我绊了一下摔倒了 ▸ the suit of armour fell over with a loud crash 那套盔甲轰然倒地 B. transitive verb [fall over sth] ① (stumble over) 被…绊倒 ▸ I fell over my own feet 我自己把自己绊倒了 ② ▸ to fall over oneself to do sth figurative informal (be extremely keen) 迫不及待地做 (do everything within one's power) 不遗余力地做 ▸ to be falling over each other to do sth 争先恐后地做某事 ▸ banks are falling over each other to lend people money 各家银行争着给人贷款 fall through intransitive verb 落空 ▸ our plan fell through 我们的计划告吹了 ▸ the sale has fallen through 这笔买卖泡了汤 fall to A. intransitive verb literary 开始 ▸ she fell to with gusto 她开始津津有味地吃起来 ▸ to fall to doing sth; 开始做某事 ▸ he fell to brooding about the problem 他开始思考这个问题 B. transitive verb [fall to sb] literary 该由…负责 ▸ it fell to him or to his lot to organize the party 组织晚会的任务落在了他的肩上 |
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