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zhī A. verb 支撑put up 支帐篷 pitch a tent 她手支着下巴,像是在想什么。 Resting her chin in her hand, she seemed to be thinking of something. 支点, 支架, 支柱 维持bear 体力不支 be too tired to do any more 乐不可支 扶助support 支边, 支援 竖起stick out 支着耳朵听 prick up one’s ears 分散separate 支离破碎 调派send away 把人支走 send sb away upon some pretext 支派, 支使 付钱pay ; 领钱draw 把工资支给他。 Pay him his salary. 他已经支了这个月的工资。 He has drawn this month’s salary. 支出, 超支, 收支B. noun 分支branch 邮政支局 branch post office 支队, 支流, 支线, 分支, 旁支 地支Earthly Branches [used in combination with the ten Heavenly Stems to designate years, months, days and hours] C. measure word 用于杆状物[used as a classifier for long, thin, inflexible objects]一支笔 a pen 一支箭 an arrow 一支蜡烛 a candle 用于队伍[used as a classifier for troops, fleets, etc.]两支队伍 two contingents of troops 一支乐队 a band 用于曲子[used as a classifier for songs or musical compositions]一支民歌 a folk song 一支曲子 a tune 用于纱线count 60支纱 60-count yarn 用于亮度watt 一个25支光的灯泡 a 25-watt bulb




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