

1 de auxiliary 表限定[used with an adjective or attribute phrase] a 表修饰[indicating a modifying and modified relationship]美好的未来 bright future 铁的纪律 iron discipline b 表所属[indicating a possessive relationship]人民的公仆 servant of the people 我的父亲 my father c 表职务或身份[indicating a relationship of a person and his title or capacity]今天是我的东。 It’s my treat today. 谁的介绍人? Who is the matchmaker? d 表行为指向[indicating the receiver of an action]别开我的玩笑。 Don’t make fun of me. 你净扫大家的兴。 You are just getting us all down. 用于名词化[used after a noun, pronoun, verb, or an adjective to form a noun phrase without a head noun] a 替代上文所指[indicating sb/sth already mentioned]这铺是我的,那才是你的。 This bunk is mine, and that is yours. 玫瑰花开了,有红的,有黄的。 The roses are in bloom; some are red and some yellow. b 表类别[indicating a certain type of person or thing]男的 male 我爱吃甜的。 I like sweet food. c 表状态[indicating a condition or situation]大热天的,你还来看我。 It’s very kind of you to come and see me on such a hot day. 无缘无故的,他瞪你干什么? Why on earth did he glare at you? There’s got to be a reason. d 表不相干[indicating a subject that has nothing to do with what is going on]我能行,你忙你的去吧。 I can manage. You just get on with your work. e 表不同[indicating diversity]推的推,拉的拉。 Some are pushing and some are pulling. 说的说,笑的笑。 Some are talking and some laughing. 表强调[used after the predicative verb to emphasize the doer, the time, the place, etc.]谁说的? Who said that? 他是昨天发的烧。 It was yesterday that he had a fever. 表肯定[used at the end of a declarative sentence to give a positive tone to the statement]这件事我知道的。 That I know. 是他!我认识的。 It’s him. I know him. 表“之类”[used after two things of the same kind to imply ‘and so on’or ‘and the like’]废铜烂铁的,他拣了一大筐。 He collected a basketful of scrap metals, iron, copper, and so on. 他们又唱又跳的,高兴极了。 They were overjoyed, singing and dancing. 用于两个数量词之间[used between two numerals] a 指相乘[indicating multiplication]这间教室是三米的六米,合十八平方米。 This classroom is three metres by six, with a total floor space of eighteen square metres. b 指相加[indicating addition]四块的五块,一共九块。 Four yuan plus five yuan is nine yuan.




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