

ér conjunction 表并列and 长期而复杂的问题 long-standing and complex problems 年轻而有才华 young and talented 战而胜之 fight and defeat it 表转折but 出力而不讨好 be a fool for one’s pains 我认为这一点很重要,而他却不以为然。 I think this very important but he doesn’t. 表假设if 人民公仆而不为人民办事,就不配叫人民公仆。 If a public servant does not serve the interests of the people, he does not deserve to be called a public servant. to 从上而下 from top to bottom 由南而北 from south to north 表原因[used between an adverbial element of purpose, cause, manner, etc. and a verb to be modified]为自由而斗争 fight for freedom 因生病而缺席 be absent because of illness




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