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词汇 ballot
ballot | BrE ˈbalət, AmE ˈbælət | A. noun (process) 投票表决 tóupiào biǎojué the election was held by secret ballot 选举采用了无记名投票的方式 (single vote) 投票 tóupiào ; (total number of votes cast) 投票总数 tóupiào zǒngshù the first/second ballot 第一轮/第二轮投票 a strike ballot 决定是否罢工的投票 a postal ballot British 邮寄投票 to take a ballot 进行投票 (form, slip) 选票 xuǎnpiào US (list of candidates) 候选人名单 hòuxuǎnrén míngdān B. transitive verb present participle ballotting past tense, past participle ballotted 要求…对某事物投票 yāoqiú… duì mǒu shìwù tóupiào we will have to ballot our members on this matter 我们将不得不要求成员就这一事项投票 C. intransitive verb present participle ballotting past tense, past participle ballotted 投票 tóupiào the workers balloted for a strike 工人们投票决定罢工




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