

词汇 gallery
gallery | BrE ˈɡal(ə)ri, AmE ˈɡæl(ə)ri | noun (public art venue) 美术馆 měishùguǎn (room within museum) 陈列室 chénlièshì (private art venue) 画廊 huàláng Architecture (at back) 楼座 lóuzuò ; (at side) 廊座 lángzuò the public gallery at the House of Commons/Law courts 下议院/法庭的旁听席 Architecture (balcony) 眺台 tiàotái Theatre (raised area) the gallery 顶层楼座 dǐngcéng lóuzuò Theatre (spectators) 顶层楼座观众 dǐngcéng lóuzuò guānzhòng to play to the gallery 哗众取宠 (of mine, cave) 地下巷道 dìxià hàngdào US (auction room) 拍卖大厅 pāimài dàtīng ; (auction building) 拍卖大楼 pāimài dàlóu




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