

词汇 he
he | BrE hiː, AmE hi | A. pronoun (referring to man, boy) (referring to male animal) dated (referring to person without specifying sex) [现代英语中这一表达方式常以he/she或they代替]; (referring to animal) everyone may do what he likes 每个人都可以做自己想做的事 dated (referring to any person) [指任何人]he who hesitates is lost proverb 当断不断,必受其患 He (referring to God) [指上帝] B. noun (man) 男子 nánzǐ ; (boy) 男孩 nánhái is the baby a he or a she? 婴儿是男的还是女的? (male animal) 雄性动物 xióngxìng dòngwù the dog's definitely a he 这条狗绝对是公狗




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