

词汇 entrance
entrance1 | BrE ˈɛntr(ə)ns, AmE ˈɛntrəns | noun (door, gate, passage) 入口 rùkǒu (act of entering) 进入 jìnrù to make an entrance; 进入 jìnrù a sudden entrance 突然闯入 to force an entrance; 强行进入 (on to stage) 出场 chūchǎng to make an/one's entrance; 入场 an actor must learn his entrances and exits 演员必须学会如何出场和退场 (right of way) 进入权 jìnrùquán to gain entrance to sth; 获准进入 club 被录取进入 bèi lùqǔ jìnrù universityto deny or refuse sb entrance; 拒绝某人加入 (involvement) 卷入 juǎnrù entrance into sth; 参与某事 my entrance into the world of high finance 我涉足高级金融领域




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