

词汇 snappy
snappy | BrE ˈsnapi, AmE ˈsnæpi | adjective informal (likely to bite) 爱咬人的 ài yǎo rén de dog (irritable) 厉声的 lìshēng de he can be very snappy if he's in one of his moods 如果他心情不好,说话就会恶声恶气的 (lively, punchy) 轻快的 qīngkuài de pace; 简洁的 jiǎnjié de routine, replyto be snappy on one's feet 步子敏捷 make it snappy! 赶快! (smart, elegant) 漂亮优雅的 piàoliang yōuyǎ de person, clotheshe's a snappy dresser 他是个穿着讲究的人 (clever) 短小精悍的 duǎnxiǎo jīnghàn de she's always ready with a snappy comment 她总能作出言简意赅的评论




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