

词汇 stand out
stand out intransitive verb to stand out from or against sth (be noticeable) 在某物的衬托下显眼 zài mǒu wù de chèntuō xia xiǎnyǎn the yellow letters stand out well against the black background 黄色字母在黑色背景的衬托下很醒目 to stand out like a sore thumb informal 扎眼 zhāyǎn stand out from sb/sth; (be better) 比某人/某事物出色 (be more important) 比某人/某事物重要 bǐ mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù zhòngyào she stands out a mile from other candidates 和其他候选人相比,她非常出众 (protrude) 凸出 tūchū veins stood out on his forehead 他额头上青筋凸起 to stand out in (sharp) relief (清晰地)凸显 (resist) 坚持抵抗 jiānchí dǐkàng the workers stood out against attempts to close the company down 工人们坚决抵制关闭公司的企图




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