

liànɡ A. adjective 光亮bright 灯很亮 bright light 他把皮鞋擦得闪闪发亮。 He polished his shoes till they shone. 这屋子真亮。 The room is very bright. 亮光, 亮晶晶, 明亮 响亮loud and clear 他的嗓音很亮。 He has a resonant voice. 洪亮, 嘹亮, 响亮 清楚clear 你这么一说,我心里头亮了。 What you said made complete sense to me. 打开天窗说亮话, 心明眼亮B. verb 发光shine 房间还亮着灯。 A light was still burning in the room. 天亮了。 The day is dawning. 使响亮make one’s voice loud and clear 亮嗓子 raise one’s voice 显示reveal 亮观点 voice one’s position 亮身份 reveal one’s identity 亮分, 亮牌, 亮相




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