

ma auxiliary 表理所当然[indicating that something is obvious]领导也是人嘛,怎么能不犯错误? Leaders are human too: they make mistakes. 有话就说嘛。 If you have something to say, just come out with it. 这也不能怪他,他还是个孩子嘛。 He’s not to blame. After all, he is still a child. 表劝阻[used at the end of an imperative sentence to express a hope or give advice]既然没邀请你,就别去嘛。 If you’re not invited, then don’t go. 别走得那么快嘛! Don’t walk so fast! 表停顿[used within a sentence to indicate a pause to draw listener's attention]你嘛,就不必亲自去了。 As for you, I don’t think you have to be there in person. 好嘛,让我们一起去吧。 OK, let’s go together.




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