

词汇 come down
come down intransitive verb (move lower) «person, blind, cable car» 下来 xiàlai to come down from sth; 从某处下来 what goes up must come down 怎么来的还得怎么去 Theatre «curtain» 落下 luòxia Meteorology «rain, mist» 降下 jiàngxia to come down in torrents 大雨滂沱 the fog came down 起雾了 Aviation (land) «pilot, plane» 着陆 zhuólù ; (crash) 坠落 zhuìluò (fall) «tree» 倒下 dǎoxia ; «house» 倒塌 dǎotā ; «hem» 垂下 chuíxia to come down in a storm 在暴风雨中倒塌 (be demolished) 被推倒 bèi tuīdǎo (be removed) «picture, curtains» 被摘下 bèi zhāixia it's time the picture came down 该把那幅画拿下来了 (from north) 南下 nánxià ; (from larger place) 下来 xiàlai to come down for a few days 过来住几天 to come down from London 从伦敦过来 to come down to sth (reach) «hair, dress» 垂及 chuí jí his trousers barely came down to his ankles 他的裤脚刚及脚踝 (decrease) «temperature, pressure, demand» 下降 xiàjiàng ; «price» 下跌 xiàdiē to come down from 5% to 1% 从5%降到1% (be passed on) «tradition, property» 传下来 chuán xialai to come down to sb; 传给某人 sth that has come down through the ages 世代流传的某事物 to come down from the Middle Ages 从中世纪流传下来 Administration (decide) 决定 juédìng to come down against sb 宣布反对某人 British University dated [尤指从牛津或剑桥大学] 毕业 bìyè




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