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liú verb 停留stay 留下来照看病人 stay to take care of the patients 独自留在家里 stay at home alone 留级, 留任, 停留 使不离去ask sb to stay 留客人吃饭 ask the guests to stay for dinner 那我就不留你了。 In that case, I won’t keep you any longer. 扣留, 收留, 挽留 保留save 留底稿 keep the draft 留出一些钱备用 have some money saved 这些座位是留给老人和残疾人的。 These seats are reserved for the elderly and the disabled. 留后路, 保留, 自留地 遗留leave behind 留下大笔遗产 bequeath a legacy 把财产留给孩子 leave one’s property to one’s children 给听众留下深刻的印象 make a strong impression on an audience 留言, 残留 收下accept 我给他送去四本书,他只留了一本。 He only accepted one of the four books I sent to him. 留意concentrate on 留神, 留心, 留意 留学study abroad 留法/美 study in France/America 留学, 留洋 grow 留长发 wear one’s hair long 留胡子 grow a beard




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