

词汇 passing
passing | BrE ˈpɑːsɪŋ, AmE ˈpæsɪŋ | A. adjective attributive (going by) 经过的 jīngguò de pedestrian, carwith each passing day/year 随着日子/岁月的流逝 (fleeting) 瞬间的 shùnjiān de thought, desirea passing glimpse/whim 匆匆的一瞥/一时的兴致 (cursory) 漫不经心的 màn bù jīngxīn de glancea passing reference/remark 一笔带过/不经意的话 (vague) 粗略的 cūlüè de resemblanceB. noun uncountable (passage) 推移 tuīyí the passing of the years/of time 岁月的流逝/时间的推移 to mention sth in passing 随口提到某事 (end) 结束 jiéshù the passing of summer 夏天的逝去 the passing of traditional customs 传统习俗的消亡 euphemistic (death) 逝世 shìshì




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