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词汇 return
return | BrE rɪˈtəːn, AmE rəˈtərn | A. noun countable (coming or going back) (to place) 返回 fǎnhuí ; (to home) 回家 huí jiā ; (to home country) 回国 huí guó on sb's return; 某人返回时 on my return home 我回到家时 sb's/sth's return to sth; 某人/某物的回到某处 I saw the play on its return to Broadway 这部戏再度在百老汇上演时我看了 sb's return from sth; 某人从某处的返回 her return from sick leave 她病假后回到工作岗位 they celebrated his safe return from the war 他们庆祝他从战场平安归来 I'm delaying my return to Rome by three more days 我打算推迟3天再回罗马 a return visit to sth 重游某地 a return match 回访赛 uncountable and countable (giving or sending back) (of borrowed, stolen object) 归还 guīhuán ; (of unwanted object) 退回 tuìhuí ; (of person, hostage, child) 送回 sònghuí I am hoping for its return 我希望它能被还回来 on return of the vehicle/documents 归还车辆/送回文件时 the return of sb/sth to sb/sth; 将某人/某物交还某人/某处 by return (of post) British 由下一班邮递 please reply by return of post 请尽快回复 countable (recurrence) 重现 chóngxiàn a return of sth; …的重现 feeling, symptoms, doubts …的恢复 … de huīfù law, practicethe return of spring 春回大地 we're hoping for a return of the fine weather 我们盼望天气好转 many happy returns (of the day) formal (as birthday wish) 祝你长命百岁 countable (resumption) 恢复 huīfù a return to sth; 某事的恢复 on your return to work 在你重返工作岗位之际 they appealed for a return to work 他们要求复工 her return to politics/power 她的重返政界/重新掌权 a return to normal/the status quo 恢复正常/现状 a return to one's old habits 恢复旧有习惯 uncountable and countable (reward) 回报 huíbào a (small) return for sth 对某事的(小小)回报 this is a poor return for all your kindness 这辜负了你的一片好意 a return for doing sth; 对做某事的回报 in return (in exchange) 作为回报 (in response) 作为回应 in return I'd like to … 作为回报,我想… in return for sth/doing sth (in exchange for) 作为对某事/做某事的回报 to do sth in return for sth/doing sth; 做某事以回报某事/做某事 uncountable and countable Finance (from land, investment) 收益 shōuyì ; (from business, shares) 利润 lìrùn a return from sth/doing sth; 某事/做某事的收益 a return on an investment; 一项投资的收益 a high rate of return on capital 资本的高收益率 the law of diminishing returns 报酬递减律 countable British (ticket for travel) 往返票 wǎngfǎnpiào a day/mid-week return 当天/周中往返票 a return to Cardiff 去加的夫的往返票 countable (ticket for performance, event) 退票 tuì piào do you get any money back on returns? 票退钱了吗? ‘returns only’ “只有退票” countable Business (purchase) 退货 tuì huò countable (book) 退书 tuì shū uncountable Computing (key) 回车键 huíchējiàn to press return 按回车键 countable Sport (of ball, shuttlecock) 回击 huíjī to hit a winning back-hand return 打出一记制胜的反手球 countable (tax form) 报税表 bàoshuìbiǎo countable Administration (official statement) 报告 bàogào census returns 人口普查报告 countable Politics (vote) 选票 xuǎnpiào returns from sth; 来自某处的投票结果 election returns 选票统计结果 uncountable Politics (election) 选举 xuǎnjǔ B. transitive verb (give back) 送还 sònghuán when does the video have to be returned by? 这盘录像带应该什么时候还? to return sth to sb/sth; 将某物归还某人/某处 (take back) 退回 tuìhuí purchase; 归还 guīhuán library bookreturned goods 退货 tuì huò to return sth to sb/sth; 将某物退还某人/某处 (put back) 将…放回原处 jiāng… fànghuí yuánchù to return sb/sth to sth; 将…送回某处 baby, bookto return sth to its place 将某物放回原处 (send back) 送回 sònghuí person, refugee; 将…退回 jiāng… tuìhuí letter, parcelto return sb/sth to sb/sth; 将某人送回/某物退回给某人/到某处 ‘return to sender’ (on envelope etc.) “退回发件人” (in response) 回敬 huíjìng salute; 回应 huíyìng wave, greetingshe returned his kiss 她回吻了他 it’s time we returned their invitation 我们该回请他们了 to return the compliment (by doing sth) (通过做某事)回敬 to return the favour 报答好意 I'll be glad to return the favour 我会很乐意报答你的帮助 to return sb's call 给某人回电话 to return (sb's) fire «troops, police» 还击(某人) (reciprocate) 以…回报 yǐ… huíbào feelingshe loved her, but his love was not returned 他爱她,但他只是一厢情愿 Sport 回击 huíjī ball, shuttlecockI was finding it impossible to return his serve 我发现没法打回他发的球 (reply) 应答 yìngdá ‘is that all?’she returned somewhat incredulously “就这些吗?”她有些怀疑地回应说 Law 宣告 xuāngào verdict, decision Finance (yield) 产生 chǎnshēng profitto return approximately 7% after tax 有约7%的税后收益 to return a loss of £157 million 损失1.57亿英镑 British Politics (elect) 选出 xuǎnchū person, candidateshe was returned with an increased majority 她以更大的优势当选 to return sb to sth; 选举某人进入 parliament, House of Commonsto return sb as MP for …; 选举某人为…议员 (for tax payment) 申报 shēnbào to return details of one's income 详细申报收入 C. intransitive verb (to place) 返回 fǎnhuí ; (to home) 回家 huí jiā ; (to home country) 回国 huí guó the plane returned empty 飞机空载返回 to return from sb/sth; 从某人处/某处返回 to return from work/the trip 下班/旅行回来 to return to do sth; 回来做某事 we returned by the same route 我们原路返回 to return to sb/sth; 回到某人处/某处 (recur) 重现 chóngxiàn my doubts about the relationship have returned 我对这层关系又起了疑心 those days, alas, will never return 唉,那些日子一去不复返了 PHRASAL VERB return to transitive verb [return to sth] (resume activity) 继续 jìxù to return to work/school 返岗/返校 to return to one's work/book 继续干活/看书 she's returned to her old habits 她又恢复了老习惯 (start discussing again) 重提 chóngtí topicto return to the point I made earlier, … 再谈谈我刚才提到的那一点,… (revert to former state) 恢复 huīfù to return to normal/power 恢复正常/重新掌权




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