

zài A. adverb 两次twice 再拜 bow twice 再版, 再衰三竭, 一而再,再而三 again 再唱一遍 sing again 再试一次 try again 再继续then 今天就到这里,下次再接着讨论。 So much for today. We’ll resume our discussion next time we meet. 再见 然后only then 把材料整理好再动笔。 Don’t start writing before you have got all your materials together. 咱们看完节目再走。 Let’s stay on until the programme is over. 更加more 再多一点就好了。 It would be just fine if we could have a little bit more. 高点,再高点Higher, please. Even higher. 另外in addition 院子里种着花,再就是树。 In the yard are planted flowers and also trees. 再不然, 再则 引出条件[used to indicate the continuing of a situation in conditional or suppositional clauses]离开车只剩半个钟头了,再不走可赶不上火车了。 There’s only half an hour before the train leaves, so we’ll miss it unless we get going straight away. 学习再不努力,就得留级了。 If you don’t work harder, you won’t make it up to the next grade. 无论[used in 再…也… followed by a negative expression] no matter how 你再卖力,也是白搭。 No matter how hard you try, you will never succeed. B. verb recur 良机难再。 Opportunity knocks but once. 青春不再。 One’s youth never returns.




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